Wednesday, March 28, 2018

CAG report suspends two DEDs for investigations

As what people might havev said is a move to maximize efforts towards the fighjt agaist graft in the country, the general public yesterday were puzzled by the quick decision by his Execellency Presiodent Dr. John Magufuli when he ordered an immediate suspension of the two distreict councilors of Ujiji-Kigoma and that of Pangani-Tanga. This is decision which must be congratulated because it shows how serious the government is on the issue of corruption. President Magufuli made a decvision after he had hailed the auditing report which shows improvements in government institutions and local authorities but insisted, “I think we have to take action; directors of the two councils should be suspended because they have ashamed the country and I have the authority to give such an order.” He said. According to the report, there is improvement in public institutions to 97 per cent, Regional Administration and Local Government, 90 per cent and central government to 86 per cent. The President handed over the CAG dossier to Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa to review with his subordinates. Earlier, the Premier said he is ready for any President’s directives, saying any authorities should be accountable in their capabilities. The audit report of the Controller and Accounts General (CAG) for the 2017/18 financial year has shown that, the national debt has amounted from Tshs. 42 tr/- to Tshs. 46 tr/- since the fifth phase government came into being. 

President Dr. John Magufuli receives copies of the audit reports from the Controller and Audit General Professor Musa Assad yesterday at State House in Dar es Salaam

This is an increase of 2 percent. The CAG Professor Musa Assad presented his audit finding reports to President Dr. John Magufuli at a grand ceremony held at the State House in Dar es Salaam and attended by high ranking government officials including Prime Minister and Chairpersons of various Parliamentary Committees. Prof. Assad recommended in his report and said that, generally to a greater extent there were good performances resulted into good of tax collections to the government. He also said that, fewer district councils this time around received bad certificates of performances such as the Ujiji Municipal Council in Kigoma town and Pangani district councils. The two have shown bad performances of all councils in the country. The report showed bad performances in some government’s institutions such as at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) had been found with some irregularities where there was a contract entered, and he also mentioned Dar es Salaam Ports Authority (TPA) which he said its operations were not efficient. Either in his report, he has recommended various ways on how the government can take in order vtk avert any irregularities that might block efforts to maximize government‘s revenues and advised the ways on how to take necessary steps.  However, he noted in his report that human medicines worth Tshs. 4 billion which had been kept in various godowns owned by the Medical Stores Department (MSD) in the country got expired due to negligence. The CAG report on MSD’s medicines has come a day after the head of State inaugurated about 181 trucks worth Tshs. 20 billion which have been donated by the global fund to the government at the occasion held yesterday at MSD premises yesterday in Dar es Salaam. Prof. Assard said in his report that, the medicines which got expired were due to lack of transportation to various hospitals and dispensaries that could need them or their expiry might have been caused by negligence.

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