Wednesday, March 21, 2018

A change is as a good as a rest, the UDOM gets a new boss

A change is always as a good as a rest, this is a solemn saying which implies that, wherever there is a newly appointed boss, people normally expects to get a change. This has happened in Dodoma whereby the newly appointed University of Dodoma (UDOM) Vice Chancellor, Prof Egid Mubofu has promised conducive environment for more research at UDOM to enhance its status as a centre of excellence that offers value added training. Prof Mubofu made the promise at a joint ceremony for valediction and investiture of the Vice Chancellor (VC) of UDOM here over the weekend, pointing out that research projects were vital for the growth of any higher learning institution in the world. “I’m informed that our university performs very well in teaching, but it’s still faced with some challenges in research,” said the new UDOM VC. Prof Mubofu has taken over from Prof Idris Kikula whose tenure ended on March 17. Prof Mubofu also pledged to complete the construction of two Colleges of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Earth Sciences at the UDOM campus, noting that President John Magufuli had already promised to disburse the funds for the construction projects. “I was also briefed on a prevailing lack of staff houses at the campus. I would work with my fellow staff in order to address the challenge,” he observed. UDOM Chancellor and Retired President, Mr Benjamin Mkapa, expressed gratitude to outgoing UDOM Vice Chancellor, Prof Kikula, noting that UDOM has registered immense achievement under his 11-year administration. He said the enrolment of students in UDOM had increased from 1,272 during its inception in 2007 to the current 10,000 students, adding that the number of graduates had increased from 2,240 in previous years to the current number of 5,575. Mpwapwa District Commissioner, Mr Jabir Shekimweri, who represented Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Dr Binilith Mahenge, said that UDOM had made contribution to the development of Dodoma through research. “We’re currently carrying out sensitization campaign to improve the academic performance in secondary schools after a recent study conducted by UDOM,” said Mr Shekimweri, who is also a UDOM alumni. He noted further that Dodoma would largely depend on inputs from UDOM academicians in realization of industrialization.

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