Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Nyalandu in trouble, Tshs. 32bn/- loss levels against him

NATURAL Resources and Tourism Minister Hamis Kigwangalla has ordered investigations against Lazaro Nyalandu (pictured) over loss of 32bn/- in hotel concession fees. Dr Kigwangalla told the National Assembly here yesterday that he had directed the police and Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) to probe the former occupant of his portfolio. Debating the 2018 National Development Plan, the minister accused his predecessor of intentionally refusing to sign the government notice that had to effect the hotel concession fees. As a result, he said, the government had been losing 16bn/- annually, with the total loss accumulating to 32bn/- during the two year period that Nyalandu reigned in the ministry. 


Former Tourism Minister Lazaro Nyalandu who recently defected and joined the opposition chadema party

Speaking amid deafening applause from CCM MPs, Dr Kigwangalla charged that Nyalandu who defected to the opposition last week was allegedly having close links with some hotel owners. “While he was supposed to sign the government notice, he was spending in hotel with the people who were against the notice,” the minister claimed in parliament. He alleged that Nyalandu had close links and deals with hunters and some companies accused of poaching, calling on the government agencies to probe the former minister to establish, if any, misconduct as minister. Dr Kigwangalla accused Nyalandu of close bond with Thomas Freidkin whom he said has dubious hunting blocks “I am conducting general house cleaning before putting things in’s not that I am trying to revenge but I want to see things being done as per rules and regulations,” he said. Kigwangalla’s charge sparked a series of interruption, with legislators on the opposition offering information, which however the minister dismissed, arguing he had literally worked on claims raised by the same people before Nyalandu crossed over to their camp.

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