Sunday, October 15, 2017

State must have control over its resources, says Magufuli

Yesterday on Saturday the nation marked the 18th anniversary of the death of the late Father of the Nation, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, with President John Magufuli evoking the thoughts of Arusha Declaration, noting that its principles are still valuable in contemporary Tanzania. With two decades approaching since Tanzanians were stunned with the news of the passing away of their freedom fighter, Mwalimu Nyerere, the fifth-phase President, Dr Magufuli led the nation to pay a befitting tribute to the Africa’s greatest ever leader, who introduced the Arusha Declaration exactly 40 years ago. In an outpouring of praise, President Magufuli said the late Mwalimu Nyerere was truly a great visionary leader, who laid good foundation for the development of the country when he came up with the Arusha Declaration, which stated that, “in order to ensure economic justice the State must have effective control over the principal means of production. ”Dr Magufuli said the late Mwalimu Nyerere discovered that he could not build an independent nation if all major means of economic production were owned by individuals or foreigners and the government should participate efficiently in economic development, “And that’s the truth; for all countries that succeeded economically, their governments did participate fully in economic development,” stressed President Magufuli, whose leadership style is likened to Nyerere’s regime. 

The late Tanzania's father of nation Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere in 1970s

The Head of State said he was still perplexed why the Arusha Declaration was abandoned, apparently suggesting that there should be a national dialogue to reflect whether the declaration could be revived by adopting some of its principles. He said Nyerere’s socialism policies, outstanding and unselfish leadership contributed to a myriad of achievements that Tanzanians enjoyed during Nyerere’s era, saying the country’s founding father invented and supervised strategies for the implementation of his development plans. Dr Magufuli called upon Tanzanians to reflect whether their lives and acts mirrored the principles, which were laid down by the country’s highly-revered son. “We should ask ourselves why we are marking this day. Is it because this day is stipulated in the law or because it’s on the calendar or because we have good reasons; we should ask ourselves these key questions. “We’re celebrating this day because we want to remind everyone of us about the significant and cherished contributions Nyerere had towards the development of our nation,” President Magufuli said, adding that the younger generation needed to be educated and informed about the works of the late Mwalimu Nyerere. He said Nyerere dedicated his life fighting for the liberation of all people across Africa and other parts of the world and that his fight for justice and equality left a great legacy. “I was talking to President (Yoweri) Museveni of Uganda yesterday and he wished me successful commemoration of the Mwalimu Nyerere’s death … he told me he wouldn’t have been the President of Uganda without the support of Mwalimu Nyerere,” revealed Dr Magufuli. President Magufuli said if every Tanzanian would emulate Mwalimu Nyerere’s exemplary life by being patriotic and sacrifice their own cause for the cause of the nation, the country would attain high levels of development. He added that the Union and the Zanzibar revolutionary governments were committed to sustain the good work started by founding fathers of the nation, Nyerere and Abeid Karume and other leaders who succeeded them. 

The late Tanzania's father of nation Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere in 1960s

He warned that the government would not spare anyone who will try to disrupt the Union or endanger the prevailing peace, “We’ll fight him with all our powers and certainly he will not win.” Earlier yesterday, Prime Minister, Mr Kassim Majaliwa, represented the government during a special mass for the late Father of the Nation, Mwalimu Nyerere. Zanzibar’s Second Vice-President, Ambassador Seif Ali Idd, also attended the Mass, led by Father Cosmas Amani Shayo of the Catholic Diocese of Zanzibar. Father Shayo described the late Nyerere as the true man of God who spent most of his life helping others. “He loved God, he loved all people regardless of their religion, race, tribes and nationality. He was a patriot, who wanted to see all Tanzanians lead a better life and inspired them to work hard in order to achieve that.” “Despite his tight schedules he always found time to worship God. He was a true servant of God.” He said the late Nyerere will always be remembered not only for his fight for Tanzania’s independence, but also for his role in the liberation of many African countries, most especially those in Southern Africa. Premier Majaliwa described October 14 as a special day for Tanzanians, who united in offering a special mass for the late Father of the Nation. He urged Tanzanians to preserve the Nyerere’s legacy; “Let’s honour our Father of the Nation ... let’s honour his works and dedication, during his time and reign.

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