Friday, August 25, 2017

Dodoma RC up in arms against regular school donation

DODOMA Regional Commissioner (RC) Jordan Rugimbana has banned all public primary schools heads across the region from asking parents for financial contributions, advising that anyone approached for a contribution should report the matter to the authorities. The RC made the directive during an impromptu visit at Chadulu Primary School in Ipagala ward following complaints from parents over frequent requests for contributions, saying the school should refund those parents. The ban comes after complaints from parents who were made to contribute up to 5,000/- for water, education service, exam fees for Standards Four and Seven pupils before they sat for their national examinations. 

Dodoma Regional Commissioner (RC) Jordan Rugimbana 

Mr Rugimbana said any school in need of financial support should inform the district or regional authorities to get permit for such contributions, saying schools in Dodoma, in particular, should inform municipal director. Meanwhile, Chamwino district council – working with the UN World Food Programme - plans to introduce irrigation schemes in three villages to enhance food security within the district. Chamwino district council director Athumani Masasi said the irrigation scheme to benefit some 400 people in Fufu, Suli and Chiboli villages would enable the villagers to increase family income es. Mr Masasi noted that the project was now running full throttle following completion of a feasibility study for that purpose. He said further that Chamwino had since started implementing the project in Mvumi-Makulu village, all financed through US-based initiative christened Water for Food Institution

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