Thursday, October 20, 2016

DRC slashes its visa fee by 50pc

THE government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has announced the reduction of Visa fee for Tanzanians and Ugandans by half from 100/-US dollar to 50/- US dollar with effect from November 1, 2016. The decision has come a month after the DRC Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr Jean- Pierre Mutamba and the Central Corridor Transit Transport Facilitation Agency (TTFA) Executive Secretary Capt Dieudonné Dukundane as well as Chief Operating Officer Mr Sayiba Tambwe Patient met with DRC high level officials in Kinshasa to discuss the matter. According to the statement released by DRC’s Director General of Immigration Mr François Beya Kasonga the move is part of Visa harmonisation process for Central Corridor Member Countries, in which Burundi, DRC, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda are involved.

Already Burundi, DRC and Rwanda enjoy Visa free movement among themselves under the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL) arrangement. Harmonisation of Visa was also one of the agreed issues during the 7th Ordinary Meeting of the Inter-State Council of Ministers of the TTFA held in Dar es Salaam on August 11, 2016. Commenting on the new development Capt. Dukundane hailed DRC Officials for this move that will reduce struggles and facilitate trade within Central Corridor member countries. He also commended the useful guidance provided by the DRC Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr Mutamba towards the achievements made so far throughout this process.

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