Monday, May 9, 2016

Sugar crisis worries law makers

SUGAR crisis is expected to be a top agenda as the National Assembly resumes its sessions today after a weekend recess where members of parliament are expected to continue with debate on the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investments budget estimates that were presented on Friday. It is expected the question and answer session will begin in the morning as usual before the Members of Parliament continue with the debate on the ministry before the Minister, Charles Mwijage, winds up the debate to seek the approval of the lawmakers for the 2016/2017 budget estimates of his ministry which has laid a detailed implementation plan of ambitious national goal. 

Minister for Industry, Trade and Investments  Mr. Charles Mwijage

Sugar crisis has hit the country as President John Magufuli vowed to take to task all sugar hoarders regardless of their power and status in the society. Already several businessmen have been arrested for hoarding tonnes of sugar for the sake of hiking the product’s price. Mr Mwijage is seeking for an allocation of 81.87bn/- for the 2016/2017 to implement its activities whose priority include promotion of industries in line with the second Five Year Development Plan (FYDP II) (2016/17 – 2020/21) focusing on the theme “Nurturing an Industrial Economy.” The minister said the government will start with implementation of 18 projects that are set to enable the country to realize industrial economy in the near future. He said the projects that have been given priority included the Liganga and Mchuchuma coal projects in Njombe Region.

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