Friday, August 21, 2015

Govt calls off drivers’ strike

THE Government has called on drivers’ association bodies and Tanzania Bus Owners Association (TABOA) as well as their workers’ associations to implement what has been decioded by the taskforce committee member formed to deliberate problems facing drivers in the country. The taskforce committee which was formed by the Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda in February this year involved members of the troubled associatuions, Surface and Marine Transport Authority (SUMATRA), the Police force and government officials from the Ministry of Transport. The government’s call has come after the drivers’ associations that includes CHAMAWATA, TABOA and TADWU had resolved to stage a countrywide demonstration scheduled to take place on Monday the 17th next week, if their problems earlier worked by the taskdforce would not be implemented on time. A statement iszsued yesterday in Dar es Salaam by the Chairman of the taskforce committee who doubles as Permanent Secretary in the ministry of Transport Dr. Shabaan Mwinjaka to the media has warned all drivers who intend to participate in such illegal strike would face stern measures according to the law. Dr. Mwinjaka specified in his stastement that already there are some of the bigger problems that his committee had resolved with the concerned organizations and wondered why should they plan for a demonstration and yet all is set for their benefits. 

Rowdy passengers standing in front of a bus in query over their strike recently at Ubungo upcountry bus stand in Dar es Salaam.

He outlioned some of the steps taken so far as part of drivers’ resolutions included their employment contracts and theitr terminal benefits as earlier demanded by the desputing drivers. However, he noted that such delibarations had been settled and drivers’ employers  were given directives to implement so as to minimize any further chaos that might come later. In view of thios, he has aklso asked the driovers not to go on strike and whjoever would dare to violate the order would be dealt with as in accordance to provision No. 6 as stipulated in the Employment and Work relations Act of the year 2004. Either the statement is quioted as saying that, the government would continue to provide education to make drivers undetrstand the various elements reached and passed by the committee as part of their benefits in ordfder to make tghem understand what they are supposed to do and what rights do they deserve to have as employees. He said and gave a notice that incase such decisions would not be implemented by them organizations concerned by 1st October thios year, stern measures would be taken against the defaulting organizations.

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