Monday, July 20, 2015

Residents demands for an MP office

RESIDENTS of Njombe region have said that they need a Member of Parliament who should have an office close to them so as to enable them send their queries whenever they might be in need of consultancy. Residents have issued a concern early this week at a time when CCM party members are picking up nomination forms to contest for various positions including Parliamentary seat for October election. Speaking at a different time, the residents have said that they have never have an office for the MP in their area whereby people in the constituency could have time to send their grievances even if in the absence of their MP. One of the complaining residents Enock Mwangongolwa said that, they need an MP who would mind to set up the office so that people at their own time would come and present their grievances. Mwangongolwa further noted that, residents in Njombe region have been unable to present their grievances to the MP as there has never been an MP office in their constituency. Either Erick Sanga noted that he has ever travelled all over the country and saw in most constituencies there are offices for their MPs, but to the great dismay, he is surprised to see that in Njombe there is none. In view of this, he is appealing to whoever would win the seat regardless of the party’s affiliation should make sure that he/she sets up an office so that it should become much easier for the people in the constituency to send their problems. Speaking with journalists during the picking up of forms, one of the contesting CCM member Joseph Msemwa said that, once he is elected as a MP for the constituency in the coming October election, he would set up ,an office so as to quicken the pace of development in the area. Delivering the reports to the CCM regional Chairman Deo Sanga to those already members who have already picked up their forms in three constituencies in Njombe district, the CCM party district secretary Sadakati Kimati said that as up to Friday this week about 18 people had already expressed their desire to conte4st for the seat. He said in his district there are so many contestants who already have picked up their forms compared to the previous years. Either Kimati has issued a warning to contestants from printing flayers, calendars and other things used for campaigning unless the National Electoral Commission (NEC) allows the nationwide campaigns as doing so is against the law. Sanga alias ‘Jar people’ further noted that he had decided to pick up forms with the aim of fulfilling what he had established while he was in power.

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