Monday, June 15, 2015

People with albinism need to undergo medical skin test

PEOPLE with disabilities (PWD) have been asked to undergo a skin test in after four months so that they could get away from cancer attack. The call was made yesterday at Sheikh Abeid Aman Karume memorial stadium in Arusha by the Programme Manager Dr. Alfred Naburi who looks after the welfare of the people with disability during the International day to commemorate people with albinism. Dr. Naburi said that, people with albinism need to undergo regular medical skin test as they are easily affected and thus are more prone to cancer infections an aspect that can reduce their life span. “If people with albinism won’t get advises on how to take care of their skins, always cannot live for more than 30 years.” he said. 

People with albinism have become a prey to unfaithful people in Tanzania.

However, he noted that despite of living for 30 years, and within 5 years’ time are easily to be attacked incase no intensive care for their skin would not be taken seriously and with betterment. The Chairman of the people with albinism in Bagamioyo district, Hamisi Ngomero has issued a concern to the community to continue their commitments in helping people with albinism to advise them to report to various medical centres to have their skins tested so that they should receive education on how to take care of their skin from being attacked. Ac programme of taking care of people with albinism is being manifested under the ministry of Health and Social Welfare through help by KCMC Referral hospital in Moshi, who undertake the service programme of 250 people with albinism in three regions namely Arusha, Tanga and Kilimajaro. The International Day of people with albinism is being celebrated in every year and in Tanzania the national celebrations were held in Arusha whereby the guest of honour is President Jakaya Kikwete.

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