Monday, June 1, 2015

An online network for office secretaries in offing

THE Chief Secretary of State Ambassador Ombeni Sefue has underscored the need of establishing an online network which would be used specifically by office secretaries in the country to air out their grievances on the gender disparities associated with sexual bribes at work places as a way to end the vice once and for all. The CS Ambassador Sefue made a concern on Friday last week in Dodoma when opening a workshop for all office secretaries in the country (TAPSEA) held in Dodoma. He said gender disparities for office secretaries have been persisting now and then and the victims mostly women have been complaining about to their bosses who have been practicing such mischief on them. He said due to the increased habit, the government has seen the need to establish an online network which would help address such claims in a bid to stop it from spreading among workers in the country.

Mr.Ombeni Sefue  

 “Me as a leader of civil servants in the country, it really irks me, therefore I see there is a great need to establish a hotline network whereby all the victims would be airing out their views and claims to the concerned authorities and incase those who would be caught and proved  guilty legal stern measures would be taken against them” he said. Either he has asked the office secretaries to work effectively by following the laid down rules and regulations so as to increase productivity on their work schedules. “I kindly ask you to bear with all matters and try to keep office secrets as you are so closely and familiar with many of them, and also should you use your abilities in order to keep work going efficiently”, he said. Sefue added that, it is high time now for universities to institute a degree programme that would act as a catalyst to keep office secretaries abreast with their day to day activities. On his part, the Minister of State responsible for Coordination and relations, Dr. Mary Nagu has blasted some of the office secretaries to desist from degrading themselves and instead they should develop their academic disciplines by upgrading their academic professions.

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