Monday, May 4, 2015

Government suppresses an intended drivers’ strike

THE government has successfully suppressed the long planned strike of 80 drivers of fuel transporting truckers belonging to a Dar es Salaam based Transeat Tanzania Limted following their long standing claims of toiling over their duties without written job contracts. The suppression of driver’s strike has come after a regional labour officer from the Ministry of Works and Employment Bartaza Mushi had requested the Chairman of the Federation of Drivers’ Association in the country Clemence Msanja took time to convince the worried drivers from staging a strike unless the other side of the management could be heard. In a meeting one of the long serving drivers Dottos Komba who is the drivers’ spokesperson claimed before the labour officer that, they are quite disappointed by the way how the management of the company is treating them and this vis together with denying them their rights of employment for a long period of time. He confessed himself that has been working with the company as a driver now for a couple of five years driving lorries that transports fuels to neighboring countries and the company is benefiting from his efforts rendered, but he is quite disappointed to note that since the company changed its name and became known as Transeat Limted he has never been issued a letter of employment an aspect that he is not  aware of his future life. “We are travelling outside the country whereby on our way we experiences lots of challenges up to the final destination points”, he said adding that, when this new company came into being we haven’t yet given employment contracts together with my fellows an aspect that makes him be worried about his rights when told to stop the job. However, he added that are being deducted with lots of taxes but unfortunately have no job contracts which uis very risky on their side. However, he gave an e example of himself that had ever been snatched an ignition key of the lorry he was driving and given to another driver  on claims that he ran short of some fuel while on transit, a factor that is not true. The company’s Managing Director Aziz Amasha said that his company had its name changed last year on May and before that it was known by the name of Easytrans which was established way back in 2010. “In the meeting held that changed the name of the company we incorporated all workers, but few attended the meeting and informed that their contracts would still continue usual and that they shouldn’t whatsoever be worried about. However, he added that most workers did not attend the meeting on account of having other appointments, but to those who participated were duly informed that their letters would continue in the newly established company.  About the fate of a driver Dotto, he admitted to have been snatched an ignition key to pave an impending investigations against him following allegation that he was involved in selling the company’s fuel while on transit, a factor that is against the law. He also admitted that about 60 workers have been employed by the company and are as usual have their salaries deducted just like other workers. In conclusion, the Labour Officer Mushi directed the company’s management to issue letters of employment status so as to reform their status. However, an official with HR Consultant Praygod clarified that, the changing of the company’s name was not a criteria of holding a meeting whereby all workers were assured of their security as their contracts would continue as usual. However, he further noted that, there are some of workers who after signing their contracts were yet to receive their employment letters which are still being kept by the newly established company. “We shall supervise all the proceedings within 14 days in order to ensure that workers receive their employment contracts with a newly formed company”, he said and insisted to the drivers not to sit in groups chatting about their future while others cheating their fellows on the possible downfall of the company an aspect which is likely to crate enmity between them and the management.

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