Monday, March 2, 2015

NACOPHA warns Tanzanians to be careful with conmen

Tanzanians have been asked to be inquisitive enough and not lured by few people that a cure drug for AIDS disease has been discovered an aspect that most sufferers tend to stop using their normal dose prescribed by health experts and opt for those ones which are not helpful at all. The concern was issued yesterday in Dodoma by the National Chairman of Tanzania AIDS Commission Dr. Fatma Mrisho at a press conference at the offices of the National Council of the People Living with Aids disease (NACOPHA)  She cautioned that, people should not be easily lured by conmen about the availability of AIDS drug, a result of which many boycott their prescribed drugs and resort to use drugs which have not been officially registered. “If there is any discovered drug, then it is the government which has to announce it and not anyone else, 

National Chairman of Tanzania AIDS Commission Dr. Fatma Mrisho

I therefore issue a warning to people to be careful and shouldn’t accept easily even to some Christian religious leaders who have been claiming to be curing people with AIDS disease through prayers” Dr. Mrisho said. Either she said that, AIDS infections have gone down from 12 percent to 5.1 percent in Mainland Tanzania and in Zanzibar. “On Tanzania mainland alone the percentage stand at 5.3 but deaths as related with AIDS disease have reduced by 40 percent”, Dr. Mrisho asserted. She said the only challenge facing the people is lack of awareness over the disease which many people have been believing on witchdoctors cure rather than going to hospitals. On his part, NACOPH’s Chairman Vitalis Makuyala said that the stigmatization on people living with AIDS is still there although to some extent it has been reduced to a greater extent. “Stigmatization on AIDS disease sufferers has been reduced to a greater extent compared to how the situation was before some years back”, he said adding that, in recent years it has been noticed that many AIDS sufferers are engaged in various economic activities.

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