Monday, February 9, 2015

Poor infrastructure impedes development for national corridors

LACK of proper ring roads coupled by insufficient electricity supply and poor railways links have been cited to be the main cause slowing down the economic and social development initiatives currently being spearheaded by the government in its four national development corridors in the country. The observation was made on Friday last week in Dar es Salaam at a one day symposium which brought together Chief Executives from government executive agencies in a meeting that was sponsored by Tanzania Global Learning Agency (TaGLA). The executives met to discuss various matters pertaining to the development of these corridors and the challenges faced under the theme titled, “Infrastructure value corridor modeling, and an African initiative to build new wealth and prosperity for millions in East-Central Africa”. The corridors which are the Mtwara corridor, Central, Northern and Uhuru corridor were established over two decades ago as part of the government’s initiatives aimed at facilitating the economic and social development projects in the country. Contributing to a debate, the Chairman of the Occupational Health and Safety Agency (OSHA), Gideon Nasari noted that, very little progress has been realized as the government does not take seriousness for the dev elopement of these corridors in the country.  

Bad roads are still an impediment to the development of corridors in Tanzania.

He noted that, the slow development is mainly due to lack of political will bearing the fact that, for the corridors to develop economically the government need to create a conducive environment that would attract investors in areas of agricultural sector. “The government should create a conducive environment instead of waiting for investors to build infrastructure”, he said adding that agriculture may thrive in these corridors if emphasis is put on as it provides 70 percent of the national economic workforce in the country. He said infrastructures’ such as roads and railways are the basic pillars for the economy of any country to grow in the world, that should be linked with the country’s main ports of Tanga, Mtwara and Dar es Salaam so as to allow easy access of goods to neighbouring landlocked  countries. On his part, the Executive Director of Mwambani Port and Railway Corridor Company, Beenunula Nunumisa faulted the government for failure to accomplish construction of various infrastructures notably electricity, road and railways in these corridors. He remarked that, “there is no investor who would dare to come in the country and build infrastructures in order to invest, but rather this is the responsibility of the government to make its corridors more viable by depending on own financial capability. However, he advised the government to increase electricity supplies and have the corridors connected with the national grid in order to quicken the set development projects. The Executive Director of the sponsoring agency TaGLA, Charles Senkondo said that, the government should c concentrate on ports and railways construction projects so as to allow an effective transportation of goods. Earlier the forum was opened by the Chief Secretary of State Ombeni Sefue who together with other things he said that, Africa Tanzania included is rising not just in physical development but in ideas, plans and most importantly in mental stamina needed to create the country whose new prosperity benefits millions of its citizens.

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