Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Mokiwa alerts Tanzanians to beware of the coming general elections

THE Anglican Church Arch bishop of Diocese of Dar es salaam Dr Valentine Mokiwa has warned the citizenry in the coming October general elections to beware of rowdy politicians who have kept on bulling the general public for mare purpose of lobbying their votes. Bishop Mokiwa made a concern last week in Dar es Salaam in a press conference whereby he briefed journalists of the upcoming projects that would be conducted in line with the celebrations to mark the 50 years anniversary of the existence of his Dar es Salaam diocese whose climax will be on 5th July 2015. The official inauguration of these projects is expected to take place on Sunday 4th this week at the diocese main church of Saint Albano at the city centre.  Among the projects to be inaugurated will be a book that describes the entire history of the Anglican Church of the Dar es Salaam diocese since its establishment in 1965, challenges and the way forward for another coming 50 years. In his speech, Dr. Mokiwa said that, it has been a trend for the Tanzania community to be lured in their minds by rowdy politicians to vote for them at the expense of numerous promises which have never been fulfilled, only to find out later that were not qualified for the job. Speaking over the Presidential contestants for the coming general election, he said that, the right leader in this top most high position in the country need someone who would care for the three basic needs which are still a great challenge for Tanzanians. He said that, Tanzanians should elect a leader who would care with pain the problems of infrastructures, people’s health and education which are still ravaging daily lives of most Tanzanians. 

THE Anglican Church Arch bishop of Diocese of Dar es salaam Dr Valentine Mokiwa

However, he cautioned that Tanzanians should not make a mistake neither should they a leader just because he longs to a certain party, but rather they should look at a person who is dedicated enough to stand in a position to solve all these problems facing them now and then. He further elaborated that, in health status Tanzanians have lost trust with the government authorities who are fond of moving outside the country for medical checkup and spend huge sums of taxpayers money for their medical treatment, a factor which he said is discriminatory in nature. He noted also that, in the country, there is still poor education system as the education curriculum currently in use is does not enable graduates to  qualify in the employment position, and according ti him, it needs review so as to enable the majority benefit from it. “Then country ids embedded with grand corruption which has slowed down various development projects and for those executed results into shoddy construction”, he said adding that, this is a challenge which as a country it should be addressed adequately. He cited other things like security at border posts that the concerned authorities are not awake in such a manner that, Tanzania is used by other people in neighborhood to pass through.  He is of the view of the fact that, our national borders are used as entry points for human trafficking, illegal drugs, and counterfeit products which continues to harm the health of Tanzanians. As concerns with the national constitution, he noted that, the nation must respect people’s opinions as earlier endorsed in the constitution draft of retired Judge Joseph  Warioba. He said their views should be given first priority of consideration in order to let peace prevail in the country and other than that, the Arch Bishop cautioned that, the nation is likely to be plunged into civil chaos just like what is happening in other countries across Africa and the world at large.

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