Tuesday, January 6, 2015

An ICT expert asks the government to help local innovators

A local computer engineer and a researcher has called on the government to take part in helping local researchers  who engage themselves in various innovation activities basically in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Arthur Assenga made the concern yesterday in Dar es Salaam in an interview saying that, most local innovators and researchers have their work copied and stolen by other people from outside the country due to financial constraints faced by most of them. Assenga who is also a book writer noted that, most innovators lose the designs of the work they innovate citing low security and protection from the government despite having Copywriter Society of Tanzania (COSOTA) which he say does not play its active role to help local innovators. He says that, non-involvement by the government to put in considerations the importance of local innovators’ activities which they design has largely contributed to their failure to have their work be famous at international global business arena. Citing an example of his own work which he innovated after undergoing a research work of the discovery of a new software program known as ‘Inta Fedha’ which he designed in October 2013, and noted that he has lacked support to let it be recognized for use at the local level up to now despite test which was done and proved it to be fit for use. The software which has been given permanent registration by the Ministry of Trade and Industry though COSOTA since February 2013, was designed for cyber crime with a registration number CST/APP/REG/WORKS/VOL XX. 744 Cosota.  Assenga who is also the Director of a Dar es Salaam based Tullo ICT Computer Engineering Ltd, said that his software is currently not in use as he doesn’t have money to advertise it further to gain reputation from the international community. “I  need to get an international acclaim for my design work, but I do not have support an aspect that the design work is in danger of being copied by other international figures who might change my copy write and pretend to be theirs”, he said and insisted help from the government.  According to him, once proved to be workable, would be sold to banks in the country to curb cyber crime which has become unavoidable phenomenon for lack of modern technology. The software to be made workable has been designed to operate in computer systems in three different options with as view to net culprits who tampers with the bank customers’ account. 

Arthur Assenga outlines hos views recently in Dar es Salaam when he met with the owner of this blog.

He noted that, among the most developing concept features about his software is that, it has been designed to reveal the presence of people by taking their images in form of pictures once they approach ATM machines with intent to withdraw money. The software is also designed in various ways to prevent people from accessing customers’ bank accounts to which are not specifically registered or recognized by the bank. He noted also that, the software has been designed to facilitate the work of withdrawals and sending of money with ease through internet to far a distant area more safely.  Elaborating more about the software and how it is made to work, Assenga noted that, this is designed to detect finger prints and that all customers of the bank would have to register afresh with their bank accounts.  He said the registered customers will not be able to give their relatives their smart cards and pin numbers the way they have used now, as this would detect the second party as the system in the banks would not recognize him/her. He said, there will be three signals alarm raised at the ATM machine to inform a customer attending the ATM service, and who shall not have been registered by the system to vacate the area otherwise the machine would detect the presence of a thief around. He added that, not only that, it would also take some photos of the image of a person around and restore for proof incase anything happens while someone is still at the ATM machines. He further elaborated that, he saw the need to work on the programme after having realized most banks are not trustworthy in their operations following many claims by their customers whose money gets lost through their accounts without clarification when they need. In addition to designing software, Assenga has been engaged in writing scientific books in Swahili language. According to him, he has written over 200 books which needs approval by the authorizing national bodies. “I engage in writing Swahili books so as to let more Tanzanians understand the concept by reading in local language”, he said adding that, the books are focused in agriculture, biology, health and environment perspectives.

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