Monday, December 1, 2014

Report: Most drivers are affected by high blood pressure

The traffic police headquarter in Dar es Salaam yesterday released a report of a medical checkup aimed to see drivers’ health status which has found out that, among the five diagnostic check done for them, most of them have been found to have been affected by the blood pressure. The exercise which was sponsored by Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) was done in collaboration with the Tanzania Police Force (traffic division) took place between 22nd and 28th in September this year during the road safety week celebrations in three regions of the Coast, Arusha and Morogoro. Reading the report over the weekend at Traffic police headquarter, the Police Commander in-charge of health division ACP Paul Kabago said that, a total of 1,898 drivers were successfully diagnosed out of the targeted 2,500 in three stations. This is equivalent to 75.92 percent of the targeted group. He said out of the diagnosed drivers, a total of 256 of them have been found to have been affected by the blood pressure, followed by 103 numbers of them who are poorly sighted with various eye complications. 66 drivers have been found with diabetes, while 15 are HIV positive, 4 with malaria while no one was found with ear infections. The medical test about the drivers’ health status was carried in three major vehicle check points along the main roads in upcountry regions indicated in brackets as Mikese (in Morogoro), Msata (in Coast), Makuyuni (in Arusha). 

Traffic Chief SACP Mohammed Mpinga talking to journalists in Dar es Salaam.

 The report which was later on handed over to the Traffic Chief SACP Mohammed Mpinga in a colorful ceremony which was attended by some other senior police officials of the traffic division in the city. According to the report, it shows that, a total of 805 drivers of buses and trucks underwent a check up at Mikese vehicle point, 472 drivers from Msata point while 621 drivers underwent the same check up at Makuyuni respectively. In his speech, ASCP Mpinga said that, the police force has embarked on an intensive medical checkup programme for drivers in the country in a move to reduce accidents caused due to negligence, an exercise that would form part of the celebrations to be marked during the countrywide National Road Week Safety. However, he has also urged all drivers in the country to develop the habit of undergoing medical checkup as among their driving professional conducts are mostly required to be both physically and mentally fit all the time and shouldn’t wait unless are sick. ASCP Mpinga has also directed local government authorities to work in collaboration with the police at district and regional levels when it comes a time to celebrate the a week long occasion of road safety so as to nab the cruel drivers who are notorious of causing accidents in various places in the country. He has also thanked the TBL Company for their dedication of taking care of the welfare of the police by sponsoring costs on carrying out checkup to establish their health status, and also the media advocacy over the matter. On his part, the Legal public relations Director of the TBL Steve Kilindo noted that, TBL will continue providing its social and corporate responsibility (CRS) activities by helping various groups including government sectors which are need of help. He said that, the assistance his company has offered is part of the CSR activity that his company is actively engaged with in the country.

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