Monday, December 15, 2014

Formation of national youth council in offing, govt declares

At last the government has resolved to establish a National Youth Council (NYC) which would help overcome various matters pertaining to the development of youths in the country, a government official has said. The acting Director of youth development department in the ministry of Information, Youth, Culture and Sports James Kajugusi said in Dar es Salaam during the International volunteer day whose climax celebrations was held at a national level last week in Dar es Salaam. He said in an exclusive interview that, the government is currently finalizing the strategies it had put in place in order to accomplish the need of having a national organ which would stand for the welfare of youths in the country regardless of their political affiliations. The government’s decision has come about after the cry by the Tanzania Youth Forum (TYF), a youth organ which for long had been urging the government to form a non partisan body which would look after various challenges affecting youths in the country including unemployment. TYF through its Chairman Fahami Matsawily sent a request to the government almost a year ago to follow the examples of Kenya and Uganda which have already established such organs in their respective countries. The annual occasion which was organized jointly between UN Volunteers in collaboration with the Information ministry in the country was also attended by about four youth volunteering organizations. The organizations exhibited their products and services to the general public, and are among the 34 civil organizations which volunteer their activities in the country. They included Restless Development, Volunteers Services Overseas (VSO), Raleigh Tanzania and Four life Company. Kajugusi further clarified that, the decision by government to form a youths’ council has come in thought after the government had ratified the UN Youths Charter 2006, which together with other things wants governments to involve youths in effective production of national resources. He also noted that, the ministry is in pipeline to propose the bill and send in Parliament which would protect the various guidelines that would help lead the processes once is made to work out. 

Minister for Information, Youth and Culture Dr. Fennela Mukandara 

He said among the main tasks to be spearheaded by the NYC after its formation is to reduce the rising unemployment rate which currently is faced by most youths in the country. Together with other things, the council would also ensure youths’ participation in every aspect of national economic development bearing in mind the fact that youths’ contribution to the GDP is of the high percentage rates in the country. In this, he clarified that youths provides about 75 percent of the total workforce in every aspects of national production in areas such as agriculture, fishing, education, industrial mining activities, livestock keeping, construction and many others for national economic growth. The national volunteer day occasion which was celebrated under the theme, “the importance of volunteerism for national development” called on youths in the country to have a spirit of volunteering for the country’s economic development. In her message to the nation, the Minister for Information, Youth and Culture Dr. Fennela Mukandara said that, “the government believes that the rate of volunteering among the youths is a factor that leads to the national development goals”.  Dr. Mukandara reminded youth that volunteering is one of the learning resources for human life and that to transfer that experience and knowledge is one way to solve the existing economic problems which are exacerbated by the fight against disease, ignorance and poverty. In view of this, Dr. Mukandara has insisted cooperation among youths which could bring positive change of their life and the nation at large. “World statistics has shown that up to mid 2014, total youths population in the world was estimated to be about 3 billion and over. With the greater number of youths in the global sphere, their participation is very essentials to reach development targets”, Dr. Mukandara noted.

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