Monday, November 10, 2014

Government to concentrate more on healthcare services

In a bid to facilitate the Big Results Now (BRN) initiative, the government has praised various steps being undertaken by the Ministry of Health and Social Services towards the improvement of the development quality on primary healthcare program which was first initiated in the country in 2007. To facilitate the activities under the program, the government had increased the budget of the Ministry of Health from Sh. 271bn/- during 2005/06 fiscal year, to currently Sh. 1.4 trillion with a view to ensure that, healthcare activities are brought closer to the majority of the people especially in rural areas. The Vice-President Dr. Mohammed Gharib Bilal made the remarks last week in Dar es Salaam at the official opening of the fourth national quality improvement forum which is spearheaded by the Health ministry in collaboration with private health sectors in the country. He said in a pursuit of this mission, investment in the health sector is of utmost importance an aspect  that it would enable to accelerate the provision of primary healthcare services for all for the sake of attaining universal health coverage. Elaborating more, Dr. Bilal noted that the programme is focusing more on strengthening of the health systems and referral systems, construction and rehabilitation of health facilities, human resource development, and improvement of provision of medicines and medical equipment and supplies. He noted that through the programme, up to now the government has managed to build 249 hospitals, 716 health centres and 5,960 dispensaries. All of these facilities are workable to facilitate healthcare development services to the people in various parts in the country. In addition to that, he noted that, the government has equipped most of its hospitals with modern State-of-the-art equipment to be used in medical test, expansion of training intake of Doctors from 520 in 2005 to 1,057 in 2014, and nurses from 1,586 in 2005 to 3,569 in 2014. “With this massive expansion, we have managed to close the gap of accessibility to health services as revealed by many indicators, such as increase of pregnant women attending clinic and those who give birth in health centres” he said. 

Tanzania\s Vice-President Mohammed Gharib Bilal

Going on its fourth time, the yesterday’s occasion had a theme which was under the title, “Achieving Quality of Health and Social Welfare Services by Applying Data” was climaxed by showcasing various facilities used for advocating healthcare program activities in the country, the occasion which started on Thursday this week ended yesterday and involved various stakeholders of the healthcare industry. On his part, the Minister for Health and Social Welfare Dr. Seif Seleman Rashid noted on his introductory speech that, his ministry had initiated a yearly program whereby health stakeholders meet together to share experiences and practices on how best they could improve the quality of health services in the country. He said the move is a testimony of unwavering commitment to ensuring that Tanzanians receive quality health services and other better medical services for their lives as the need is emphasized. He earlier thanked the Vice-President to have officiated the event and which later on issued awards of appreciations to the winning health institutions which performed the programme well for the last one year to the best of their knowledge required.
“The awards are in line with the Ministry of Health initiative of honoring various health institutions that have done exceptionally well in quality improvement initiatives as the guidelines in the programme stipulates”, he said.  The institutions that received the awards are the Mbeya Referral Hospital for good performance in 5S-KAIZEN-TQM approach, Coast and Dodoma regional hospitals for safe care accreditation approach in public health facilities. Others are KCMC and Bugando referral hospitals for achieving level 1 of IPC. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is committed to continue organizing the forum on yearly basis and recognizing those who have worked hard in contributing to improvement of quality of health services in the country.

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