Monday, September 8, 2014

JK sends condolences to bereaved family members of Butiama accident

President Jakaya Kikwete has expressed his sincere grief and shock following the death of 36 people who died on the spot while 79 others were injured in a grisly road accident that involved  three vehicles at Saba Saba area in Butiama district, Mara Region on Friday morning. In a statement issued on Saturday last week in Dar es Salaam by the State House Directorate of Communication, the President who currently is in a tour of Arusha region has sent a condolence message to Mara regional Commissioner (RC) following untimely death of the affected victims while explaining his shock and regrets over what has happened. “I am deeply shocked and more grieved with a mysterious death report of 36 people who died on the spot when two buses involved in a head on collision at Saba saba area in Butiama district along te main road to Musoma town in your region” President Kikwete said in a statement. However, President continued as saying that, “I am sending you my sincere condolences together with all people in the region who are now mourning for the deaths of their beloved fellow Tanzanians who have suddenly lost their lives due to this accident which couldn’t be avoided”. The President further asked the RC to relay his messages to the bereaved family members and stated that, “he is together with them at this time of great grief when the nation is also mourning with them requesting the Lord God to rest their souls in internal peace. “Either I sincerely join with the people of Mara region to give them a hand of peace and at the same time praying for those who sustained minor injuries for their quick recovery so that they could get a chance to continue with daily dev elopement activities” the President noted in a statement. Meanwhile, the Regional Police Commander for Mara region ACP Philip Kalangi confirmed in a telep0hone interview yesterday that there has not been an increase of the death toll and their number still stands at 36 people.  

The President of United Republic of Tanzania Mr. Jakaya Kikwete.

Meanwhile, President Kikwete, who is also the Commander in-Chief of the armed forces has asked Tanzanians to continue maintaining a cordial relationship with the Tanzania People’s Defense Forces (TPDF) which has been existing with he people of this country for the last 50 years. Either the President has noted that, Tanzanians have faith and are optimistic that their TPDF forces would continue to defend their national borders and become obedient with the oaths it has taken of protecting and defending the country’s constitution and the people as a whole and be ready to curb with any disasters that might occur. President Kikwete made a concern on Friday this week when he talked to TPDF high ranking officers after he had witnessed a Para-military exercise which was prepared as part of the activities to mark the 50th year of the TPDF  anniversary celebrations. The exercises dubbed, “Medani” took place at Langurusuru area at Monduli district in Arusha region and involved scores of TPDF soldiers who acted the game to facilitate the operations dubbed “Maliza Matata” which literally means finish the Matata. The operational activities at the scene depicted how soldiers could take covers in an apparent action to remove their enemies once are attacked unaware from unknown direction by their neighbor country, which literally was named ‘Matata’ in this operation. In his speech, President Kikwete re-affirmed hundreds of soldiers and the people who turned up to witness the occasion that, ‘the people of Tanzania have cordial love with their TPDF soldiers as this is their military force which has been named after them. He also assured the soldiers that, “due to that situation the people of this country have faith with you and that you would continue respecting your oaths at all cost and at the same time defending their dignity during disasters. In this due respect, the President noted that, he is more boastful at all time whenever he walks along the roads.

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