Monday, September 8, 2014

ITV and Radio one stations donates primary school desks

In a bid to cater for the basic social needs for primary schools in the country, the Independent Television (ITV) in collaboration with Radio One stations on Friday last week donated a total of 260 pupil’s desks to Tandale Primary school in Kinondoni municipality in Dar es Salaam region. The exercise is part of the celebrations to mark the 20th year anniversary of the ITV and Radio One stations since their establishment in 1994. The desks worth Sh. 45 million were handed over to the management of the school by the Director of the ITV and Radio one station Joyce Mhavile in a colorful ceremony which was also attended by Kinondoni Municipal Director Engineer Mussa Natty. In her opening speech, the Head teacher of the school Florence Bonda said that, before the donation her school was faced with a shortage of desks an aspect that half of the total number of 1,834 pupils in her school suffered for lack of enough desks which could at least accommodate them. She also outlined other challenges currently facing the school as lack of clean water supply as well as dilapidated classrooms which requires repair to make them look so clean. However, after the donation, the school head thanked the director Joyce Mhavile and her entourage for the assistance and their kind response they showed which she noted has reduced the problem by 100 percent. 

Pupils of Tandale Primary school in Kinondoni district, Dar es Salaam region enjoying desks which had just been donated to their school by ITV and Radio One based in Dar es Salaam.
On his part, the Kinondoni Municipal Director, Engineer Mussa Natty said that, there are about 220 primary schools in his municipality which faces shortage of number of desks. However, he has asked the general public to emulate what the ITV and Radio One stations have done. “The challenges we are facing is due to increased population and this is exacerbating the  registration process for pupils in schools mainly due to insufficient number of desks required to accommodate them” he  said and appealed to well wishers to help the government. The ITV came across a number of pupils at the school after a roving TV crew captured some pupils in the school seated on the ground without desks while attending classes and aired the news in early this year. The head of news desk at ITV station Steven Chuwa said in an exclusive interview with the Guardian during the occasion that, the management was touched with the situation and planned to come for help and promised the management of the school a number of desks that could be enough for their pupils and which have been handed over. The ITV and Radio One stations are among the six electronic media stations which form the IPP Media group and were established in 1994. This year, the two stations mark the 20th year anniversary celebrations. Other electronic media companies include, EATV and Radio, Capital TV and radio.

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