Sunday, August 10, 2014

Chipaka hails Kikwete, condemns Ukawa’s decision

A member of the Constituent Assembly (C A) from the group of the elected 201 people John Lifa Chipaka has condemned the recent decision by the coalition of defenders for people’s constitution ( Ukawa) of boycotting Constituent Assembly (CA) sessions saying that it is a denial of freedom of democracy. He said the decision made by three leaders of the major political parties in the country (Chadema, CUF and CCR-Mageuzi) that constitute Ukawa group has denied the rights of some people in the country including their representatives in national Parliament (MPs) from participating in the whole process of constitution writing. Chipaka who is the Chairman of the Tanzania Democratic Alliance (TADEA) a registered political party issued his concern on Tuesday last week in an exclusive interview moment after he had registered himself for the CA sessions. He noted that, Ukawa’s decision have nothing to help Tanzanian citizens at this time when the country is in need of a new constitution. The call by Chipaka has echoed in line with the views of some local and international figures who have insisted calling upon the need for Ukawa to go back to CA to resolve their woes instead of perpetrating their standoff outside the debating chamber. Chipaka is on the view of the fact that, Ukawa should realize the importance of this constitution writing process as this is a bless from the lord God which had never happened in the country since independence time. He clarified that, Tanzanians should be proud of the whole process for it is the first time the people in this country have been given the audacity to air out their voices that would help to attain better  constitution which would solve their social and economic problems facing them. 

The Chairman of Tanzania Democratic Alliance (TADEA) Mr. Lifa John Chipaka

Unlike before, the old politician who is among the freedom fighters in the country during the first multi-partism movement of the colonial era noted that, it was impossible to squeeze people’s views in the constitution writing during the reigns of the father of the nation, the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. However, he said adding that, neither the father of the nation nor his successors such as Mzee Ali Hassan Mwinyi and Benjamin Mkapa allowed an open debate about the writing of the constitution in the country. With these remarks, he has praised President Jakaya Kikwete for his diligent decision which he took of allowing a public debate to let people to air out their views just like what is happening in other countries in the world with a view to attain a new constitution for Tanzanians. However, he has advised the desperate group to clear their standoff and look at the interests of the nation and make use of this time as it is an ample opportunity for Tanzanians whose future entirely depends. Various CA members who turned up for registration and strongly have condemned the behaviours shown by their fellows and which has reshaped a nation with bad image bearing the importance of the constitution for their future life. Another member of CA Makame Lahu Makam from Zanzibar has condemned Ukawa’s existence and queried from which registration body the group was formed. He said that, their absence in the CA would not deter the process of constitution writing process as their groups are very few compared to the number of CA members. In view of this, he has urged Tanzanians not to accept with Ukawa’s ideas in their campaigns which he said would mislead many people and want them to wait until the draft is complete and vote for it in a referendum polls.

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