Monday, April 28, 2014

Thousands turned up at Uhuru stadium for Union celebrations

President Jakaya Kikwete yesterday led thousands of ordinary Tanzanians who thronged at Uhuru stadium in Dar es Salaam to mark the 50th birth of the United Republic of Tanzania which came into being in April, 26th 1964 as a result of the union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar. The union of the two countries was formed following an agreement between the then President of Tanganyika, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, and his Zanzibar counterpart, Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume. The celebration was also attended by six foreign heads of state together with other countries’ representatives including of international organizations, had also attended by local and foreign dignitaries represented by other countries who President Kikwete had introduced at the end of the occasion. The Presidents and their countries in brackets are, His Majesty Letsie III, King of Lesotho and His Majesty Mswati III of Swaziland, Yoweri Museveni (Uganda), Pierre Nkurunzinza (Burundi) Joyce Banda (Malawi), Uhuru Kenyatta (Kenya).  Also in attendance were former heads of States who included Sam Nujoma (Namibia) Rupia Banda (Zanbia) and Mwai Kibaki (Kenya). President Kikwete arrived at the stadium at around 10:20 am in a resplendent dark suit on board an open special State House car standing on the rear wearing his characteristic broad smile waving to people who responded with deafening cheers, clapping and ululation while being flanked by the Chief of Defense Forces (CDF) General Davis Mwamunyange.  His motorcade was being escorted by a dozen of police motorcycle riders. He later proceeded to the saluting dais and was greeted by a 21 gun salute while at the same time the national anthem was being played. He later on inspected a guard of parade mounted by ten units composed of gallant defense and security forces armed forces including TPDF, Police, Prisons and National Service soldiers which was being led by Lt. Colonel Makanya Errasy.  The occasion which was marked more in a military fashion gave President Kikwete and other spectators an opportunity to witness a paramilitary exercise prepared by military soldiers who included those from infantry, Marine and Air force army divisions. These among them included the long procession of military vans showing various types of sophisticated modern military armaments and five troop commander led by Lieutenant Joseph Kabipe. The soldiers successfully came down from higher 4,500 ft above sea level. After that, five special fast running military planes for training and jet fighters performed a military show in respect of the guest of honour.  These were controlled in systematic styles as they moved from South to North waving a fearing look to spectators in the stadium. Later, the President witnessed an exercise performed by a group of army commandoes led by Lieutenant Utawangu. The soldiers showed their fatigued military styles of various tactics on how they can fight with their enemies without fire arms. 

President Jakaya Kikwete waves to spectators as he enters Uhuru stadium, right is one of five paramilitary soldier descending during military show at Uhuru stadium on 26th April 2014.

While they were performing, people who attended were impressed by their performances whose practices brought positive distortions which made people understood the importance of their work in the army. This year’s union celebrations under the theme “Our Tanzania is our union style, Let’s defend and protect it” as usual was graced by government leaders, diplomats, business executives, political leaders and ordinary people.  Earlier in the morning security people had a hard time to control the influx of people into Uhuru stadium controlling thousands of people who started to flock in at around 07.00 in the morning.  The situation which later compelled the officers to open the ultra-modern national stadium and allowed some people in to watch the event after having realized they could not find a space at Uhuru stadium.  The arrival of the President Kikwete had been preceded by government leaders including former national President of the third phase government Benjamin Mkapa, and was followed by former Zanzibar President Aman Abeid Karume. Other national leaders who attended the occasion included, Zanzibar President Dr. Mohammed Shein, Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda, First Vice-President Dr. Mohammed Gharib Bilal, Speaker of the National Assembly Anne Makinda. Others were former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa, CCM Secretary General Abdalhaman  Kinana, Speaker of the House of Representatives Pandu Amir Kificho Among in attendance were representatives of foreign countries which includes Oman , Angola, Kuwait, Mauritius, Botswana, Ghana, Jamaica, France, South Korea, Brazil, Netherlands, Finland England, Qatar, Eritrea, Egypt and Algeria. Although there were a series of national leaders both retired and current, an anonymous person was heard asking for the where about of the other former national dignitaries who ever served as Presidents of the Zanzibar Revolutionary Government.  These he mentioned are Aboud Jumbe who ruled the Island since 1972 when the first President and the architect of union Sheik Abeid Aman Karume died up to 1984, and Salmir Amour who ruled as from 1990 and 2000. Since their retirements the two have never been seen attending such public functions.  The celebrations were colored by acts of activities and fan fare and other school children treated thousands of spectators with their grand performances conducted by 3,475 students from Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania. Among them were 35 children who performed acrobatic games. The children performed various styles that showed various shapes that reflected the current standing situation of the security, health and economy in the country.

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