Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Guardian journalists scoops four different categories of EJAT media awards

FOUR print journalists from Guardian Limited have emerged winners in four different categories out of nineteen contested for the Excellence in Journalism Awards Tanzania (EJAT) for the year 2013. The nominated journalists and their winning print categories in brackets were announced on Friday night by Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) who organizes this annual event at a colouful gala ceremony which took place at Mlimani city hall in Dar es Salaam and graced by the President of the East African Court of Appeal, Justice Harold Nsekela as a chief guest during the occasion.They are Romana Malya (HIV/AIDS Category), Richard Makore (Gender category), Mashaka Mgeta (Sexual and Reproductive Health for Young People category) and Polycarp Machira (Investigative category. Machira who joined Guardian Limited in early December last year, had his winning article published by The Citizen newspaper before the announcements of the competition by the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) came into being in October 2013. In addition to four journalists, one cartoonist drawing for the company’s daily English newspaper, Muhidini Msamba was nominated the best cartoonist of the year whereas his runner up Abdul Kingo was selected from the company’s sister paper Nipashe. In print, the best photographer is Anthony Siame from a Swahili daily tabloid ‘Mtanzania’ newspaper. 

Winners from Guardian Ltd and ITV television in a group photo with IPP Executive Chairman Dr. Reginald Mengi shortly after they had been presented with their prizes.

The two above categories do not have competitors in electronic media. Before the announcements of the winners, the Chief Judge and a veteran radio journalist Gervas Moshiro said that, for the first time the EJAT awards competition has introduced investigative journalism category and urged journalists to make use of these contests to promote themselves. Other nominated winners in print category from other media outlets are Deus Bugaywa (Agriculture), Kalunde Jamal (Health), Mussa Juma (Open category), Khadija Mussa (Good governance), Peter Orwa (Education), Manyerere Jackton (Tourism and Conservation) whereas in Malaria category there were no nominees. Others are John Bwire (Business and Economy), Ksalunde Jamal (Sports and Culture), Zephania Ubwani (Environment), Beldina Nyakeke(Children) were  Going on its 5th year, the EJAT media competition has gained a reputation in the country for being an excellent jouirnalist  achievement  which bringhs openness to the masses and the nation at large. Executive Secretary and the organizing Committee chairman of the event organizers the MCT, who is also a nominated member of trhe Constituent Assembly Kajubi Mukajanga said that, t total of 907 entries were received for the 2013 Excellence in Journalism Awards Tanzania (EJAT). In 2012were 946,  in 2011, were 722, in 2010 were 437 and in 2009 when the competition started only 304 entries were received. He also named the judhges who were Mwanzo Millinga, Pudenciana Temba, Hassana Mittawi, Ananilea Nkya, Jesse Kwayu, Pili Mtambalike, Chrysostom Rweyemamu and Suleiman Kissoky. According to MCT, there has been a slight decrease in the number of entries compared to last year.

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