Monday, February 24, 2014

Mengi directs journalists to name corrupt people individually

FINGERS has been pointed to journalists to say the truth against corrupt individuals from the suspected groups of people involved in corruption such as the police, judges, medical staff, teachers and many others who provides services to the needy people in the country. The Chairman of the Media Owners Association of Tanzania (MOAT) Dr. Reginald Mengi issued a plea on Saturday last week in Dar es Salaam and insisted that, it was not fair to report such groups in general as this indicates that all working in the such groups are involved in corrupt malpractices. However, Dr. Mengi who is also the IPP Executive Chairman said that, “instead the suspected people should be named directly from such groups suspected to be involved in corrupt malpractices” Dr. Mengi was speaking to editors and journalists from various media organizations in the country at a luncheon ceremony which he purposely organized to congratulate two journalists who were recently set free by the Kisutu Magistrate Court in Dar es Salaam in a case of sedition charged against them due to lack of sufficient evidence. The journalists are former Tanzania Daima Managing Editor Absalom Kibanda, and former group editor of the Mwananchi Communications Ltd, Theophil Makunga who later was promoted to Business Development Manager by the company. During his speeches, he noted that, the acquittal of the two by the Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court is a ceremonious occasion of the right to defeat which must be celebrated by all media personnel in the country. Narrating on how to net corrupt people, Dr. Mengi said journalists have to do thorough investigations in order to get names of the culprits one by one from the suspected groups and report their names through mass media without fear as they shall have gathered enough details to support them. “Mentioning one group is not fair at all as not all people are corrupt, there are some who are clean and are not happy to hear their images being tarnished” he said.  He stressed the need for journalists to work tirelessly in order to curb with grand corruption in a particular institution and reveal them as this is the only way to end such malpractices in the country.  Dr. Mengi further told journalists that, whoever writes issues related with corruption targeting a particular institution that is fully involved in such malpractice, then such a journalist does not perform his/her duties as required enough. 

Dr. Reginald Mengi (Centre) in a light moment of sharing a joke with the freed journalists, Absalom Kibanda (R) and Theophil Makunga (L) at a luncheon ceremony which he had organized for the two at Serena Hotel in Dar es Salaam, last week.

However, he insisted that, they must be courageous while implementing their duties without fear for reporting an institution it disappoints personal integrity of those who are completely innocent. Earlier, Dr. Mengi was invited by a member of the Tanzania Editors’ Forum (TEF) Nevile Meena who thanked him for his dedication and efforts he has been showing towards mainstreaming media fraternity in the country. He also thanked over 70 editors in both print and electronic media who had been following up the case of their two fellows in court and showed tolerance and effective solidarity up to the end. On his part Theophil Makunga thanked Dr. Mengi and his fellow journalists including editors who showed seriousness to ensure that, his case comes to end peacefully. He said during the earlier court proceedings, he could not believe that he was among the suspects until by the time the case was put into judgment and realized that, it had become to such a serious stage.
However, he revealed on how he was tortured and denied the right to move outside the country top attend the graduation ceremony of his daughter who was graduating at Nairobi University in Kenya. On his part, Absalom Kibanda stressed the need for journalists to continue showing solidarity once are in trouble as this shows the essence of their emancipation from being blocked with the freedom of expression.

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