Monday, January 20, 2014

Tarime DC implicated in education fund project

The Management of the Tarime District Council (TDC) has accused its District Commissioner (DC) John Henjewele for what they regard as the abuse of office power after having been interfered with the education fund project in the district. The fund project which is being donated by the giant global mining company, the African Barrick Gold Corp in the district is managed by the district council, and aims to help students of families of the seven villages surrounding the North Mara Gold mine located at Nyamongo township in the district. This is part of the agreement reached over five years ago between the company which operates mining activities in the area and the management of the district council with a view to sponsor college students of such families who are pursuing studies in various colleges in the country. The contribution on the education fund is part of the Social and Corporate Responsibility the mining company offers for social development targeting education sector alone. The Chairman of the Tarime District Council (TDC) Amos Sagara said in an exclusive interview in his office last week that, since the DC’s interference the fund has been dwindling and is engulfed with lots of problems which has disrupted their programs as a whole. He noted that the DC has directed the fund to be under his own management, thus causing the  operation to become so difficult to evaluate transactions properly, adding that most students in needy are likely to miss such a potential help. He said the DC has overtaken the management of this fund by force using his power of the office as a district commissioner, an aspect that the beneficiaries have a less chance of getting admission in various colleges and learning institutions at this opening time because he does the work by segregating the intended group. 

Elaborating more, he noted that, “the DC has formed an institution which he didn’t mention to which the money donated is being directed may be for his personal benefits”. However, he could not give the specific amount of money likely to have got lost when asked by this reporter. He said it was not good to divert the management system for which the fund has been operating under the auspices of the district council as the main custodian for the people in Nyamongo township since its establishment over five years ago. It is from this point of view that, the TDC Chairman has therefore regarded the move as the abuse of office power an aspect which he said has caused an internal crisis for most users are likely to miss the intended help for which the fund was established. However, he said that, his council has been affected to a certain extent by its DC’s interference which has deteriorated the development of the district council’s other development plans. On his part the DC Henjewele has refuted such allegations leveled against him when contacted by this reporter in a telephone interview on Monday this week. “I cannot elaborate more on the issue because you have failed to come into my office the moment you heard about the matter” he said adding that, he had the details that could verify the authenticity of the whole issue which he couldn’t be able to speak in a telephone interview. However, he declined to give those details as he was not ready to speak anything further. Meanwhile, the CCM party publicity secretary for ideology Mr. Nape Mnauye paid a visit to the area in his familiarization tour in early November last year and was briefed various problems facing the people in villages surrounding the Gold Mine. Among the most crucial problems the CCM cadre was told is the misappropriation of the education fund which leaders of the villages noted that had been sabotaged by few including the DC John Henjewele. However, the CCM party cadre promised the leaders that the government would investigate the matter for a span of time, after which it would not hesitate to take legal actions against those who would be found to have been directly implicated in the mismanagement of the fund.

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