Monday, January 27, 2014

Lugola challenges Kikwete’s cabinet reshuffles

THE Outspoken Member of Parliament for Mwibara Constituency (CCM) Kangi Logola has said that, the continued habit of embracing ministers who have been alleged to have flouted the laid down rules and abuse of office powers at their work places, is likely to disrupt the national  integrity in future. Lugola made a remark in exclusive talks on Friday last week during the morning talk show program popularly being aired everyday by a local Star TV station in the country. He said that, he is not satisfactorily pleased by the recent ministerial appointments by President Jakaya Kikwete of the new faces in cabinet line up which he announced on last Sunday, wondering why the President could not leave behind in new cabinet list, the already declared burdened ministers. As a staunched member of the ruling CCM party, he said that, the President could have considered reshuffling ministers who in recent days were publicly pronounced by higher authorities of the ruling CCM leaders during their countrywide campaigns of strengthening the party that aimed at bringing confidence to its members. He said that there was no logic to leave the ministers and their portfolios and yet they had been greatly condemned by the people of their poor performances, an aspect that were regarded as burdened ministers. He said the president could have used the opportunity as such claims of the bad performances of his own ministers had already reached his office two months ago even before the resignation of the four ministers linked to the embezzlements of taking effective action against ‘Tokomeza’ operation as outlined in the reports of the standing Parliamentary Committee on Land, Environment and Tourism led by James Lembeli the elected Member of Parliament for (CCM) kahama. He personally had agreed with the recent declaration of the Party Secretary General Abdalhaman Kinana and that of the Secretary of the National Executive Committee (NEC) for party’s ideology and publicity Nape Mnauye which they had jointly issued accusing the said ministers to have no ability to run the ministries, thus regarding them for being a burden. He said the two cadres spent their time campaigning for the CCM’s inspiration and mobilization to the members in up-country regions, in a bid to develop and ensure the implementation of the party’s manifestoes. However, he said adding that, their declaration is the party’s decision that the president should have respected and give it a priority is deserve. But despising their notion would rather demoralize their further campaigns efforts intended for the development of the party in general.  

Honourable Kangi Lugola insisting a point while contributing a debate in Parliament recently.

 The alleged burdened Ministers and their ministries in brackets which the two CCM cadres accused of embezzlements and carelessness are Christopher Chiza (Agriculture), Dr. Shukuru Kawambwa (Education and Vocational Training) and Hawa Ghasia (Local Government and Regional Administration). He said there are some ministers and other high ranking CCM government officials whom he said are inclined in the so-called bush hamatan meaning that are concealing facts and not performing well for the public interest. However, he called such leaders being a burden, but he refused the ruling CCM party does not embrace such types of attitude, specifying that it is a mere personal selfishness. Outlining each ministers’ failure of accountability, he noted that, the minister of Agriculture was alleged to have failed to supply enough seeds to farmers in the country. Some parts received bad seeds and this shows how the minister is not directly responsible to the masses the majority of whom are farmers in the country. He gave an example of his own constituency as a case study and noted that farmers in his constituency have been complaining of the poor seed supplies, but their such cries has ended up in vain. On the part of the Minister for education, he said that, education has been deteriorating as the government is still embracing the former curriculum and has never improved despite claims in parliament several times, but unfortunately no action has been taken so far. To the Minister for Local Government and Regional Administration, he cited the annual reports of the poor performances by district executives in various district councils in the country. He said that, the minister has been keeping quite without taking drastic measures to penalize the offenders and many other mischief which he said her ministry has never taken action against the offenders. Meanwhile, Lugola has hailed the former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa for his diligence and quick actions while he was in office saying that, such are type of leaders fit for Tanzania. However, he said that, there are some bills which Members of Parliament have been insisting to be brought for amendment but in vain. These are the procurement bill and that one of the media which he said have been detained by the government which seems to be reluctant to make it open to acquire some changes. Meanwhile, on his part, Nape Mnauye  on Thursday this week  told a press conference in Dar es Salaam that, they did not want the ministers they declared to be a burden that, should be dismissed, but had advised the President on how some of his cabinet ministers were performing and that it was upon his decision either to leave them in his reshuffled cabinet list or remove them. But he warned that, the CCM party would net hesitate to take serious actions to any its leaders who they have found to be not delivering the required services to the people in every sector of development in the country.

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