Wednesday, December 18, 2013

MPs flouts govt claims over the resistance of a gas pipeline

SOME Members of Parliament yesterday flouted the government’s claim it earlier issued that the people of Mtwara region had revolted with a view to pressurize an active resistance over the construction of a long 523 kilometer gas pipeline which is going on from Mtwara to Dar es Salaam. The MPs Said Mohamm ed Mtanda, Mchinga (CCM) and Salum Barwany, Lindi urban (CUF) expressed their dismay separately and said that, the people of these two regions had revolted in order to be clarified how they would benefit with the gas once its production started. Both MPs took a swipe at the government, accusing it of being not transparent enough especially on the secret contracts it has already entered with foreign companies over the exploration of the discovered gas, citing it as the main cause for economic woes which the people of Mtwara region experienced. Debating a report by the Parliamentary standing committee on Energy and Minerals, the two MPs noted that, people of Mtwara and Lindi regions through which the gas pipeline passes, have been demanding for the transparency and want the government to openly show the gas contracts which it has already entered with foreign forms.“The people of Mtwara region are not resisting the gas to be distributed to other regions in the country, but rather were resisting to pressurize the government to openly show the contracts it has already entered and state how they could be benefiting from this natural and a golden resource from the lord God”, said Burwany (Lindi urban legislator). He has accused the government for being not transparent enough with the issue and has requested it to bring the contracts before Members of Parliament for discussion, otherwise, failure to do that, the country would experience the same just like what happened to minerals which have caused a great loss to the government.  On his part, a legislator for Mchinga Said Mtanda (CCM) noted that, the people of Mtwara region seems to have been made watchmen who looks after gas pipeline that passes through their villages and yet was not adequately compensated. Moreover, are not clarified how they are going to benefit from the gas on transit as they do not have an effective electricity power supply in most parts within their region.
National Parliament building in Dodoma
He has however, requested the government to bring in parliament for discussion all the gas contracts it has so far entered with foreign companies so that the MPS should get access to them for the benefit of the nation.  A 38 paged report which was tabled by the committee chairman Victor Mwambalaswa (CCM) has highlighted main areas of development including the committee’s advices to the government on what to do in order to bring success to ensure the Big Results Now (BRN). Contributing to the report, other legislators asked for the increase of the budget for Rurla Energy Agency (REA) to facilitate the rural energy projects which the ministry of Energy has been emphasizing on its plans to supply more electricity in rural areas in the country. Israel Natse (Chadema) and James Mbatia (NCCR-Mageuzi) have jointly castigated the report and asked the government to increase the budget to the ministry in order to facilitate the program in the country. They have also expressed their disappointment over the neglect of local firm to own the gas segments and noted that, if there are local business people who are able to own such segments, then the government should give them license t o operate for the benefit of the nation. Ali Kessy (CCM) noted that, the government should disburse enough money to facilitate the Rural Energy Agency (REA) program, citing his rural people are using batteries on their radios which are too costly. However, he has also warned TANESCO not to import the electricity polls from South Africa purporting to have been acquired locally from  Sao Hill in Iringa.  Anne Kilango (CCM) has requested the Tanzania Bureau of Stanfdards (TBS) to look at the companies which imports oil lubricants in the country saying that, there is faked product in market which is detrimental to the running manufacturing machines including vehicles. She said most Tanzanians are lured and ends up buying faked product which has dominated the market in most black markets, unlike those products which are sold in petrol stations in the country. She said the government continues to receive faked oil lubricants and which is sold at a cheaper price rate, an aspect that is dangerous tom our machines and vehicles, and in view of this, she has asked the government through the ministry of energy and minerals to take heed and help the locals. Dr. Lucy Nkya (CCM) has cautioned the government over some foreigners who comes in the country as tourists and instead, some of them tend to engage in mining activities in some min ing sites in the country. She said that, in her constituency, she found one Chinese national with a VISA in his passport allowing him as a tourist but was found engaged in small scale mining activities in her constituency something that is contrary to the regulations and rules of the country. She quarried and asked the government to look at the matter as this is dangerous in future.


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