Saturday, December 7, 2013

Govt: Traditional herbal healers should follow medical laws

THE government has directed Municipal and district council’s executives in the country to take immediate legal actions against traditional herbal healers who flout medical law which requires them not to advertise their services in public. The call by the government has come following the presence of numerous public advertisements which have been placed mostly in roadside in most towns and cities in the country that describes the expertise and experience of a traditional healer contrary to medial rules and regulations. The Deputy Minister for Health Dr. Seif Rashid said in Parliament yesterday that, according to medical law, no   any traditional healers are allowed to advertise their services which they render to the people and asked the executives to take punitive measures against the perpetrators wherever possible as in accordance to the law. He further elaborated that, unless such advertisements have been authorized by the National Traditional Healers Council (NTHC) which he said only gives a permit to indicate the location and the presence of the traditional healers in a particular working area. He said that, his ministry would not tolerate the habit shown by local healers as according to health policy of 1990, which was reviewed in 2007, recognizes traditional healing methods as among the health services being offered to the people in the country. Either the government through Parliament in 2009 had enacted a law on healing No. 23 Cap 10(1) which prevents anybody in the country from advertising without following the laid down rules and regulations set by the National Traditional Healers Council.
Tanzania's Deputy Minister for Health Dr. Seif Rashid
Also by following principles of medicines as outlined in Cap 15 (1) which also restricts someone from advertising such services in public notice without prior consent by the National Traditional Healers Council.  He said the health ministry would continue working in collaboration with the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) to net the notorious traditional healers as such advertisements are under the traditional healing Act which are closely related with the broadcasting and media laws. In view of this, however, he has asked the executives to take legal actions against them, as traditional healing methods have been legalized as among the services which are recognized by the government in the country. He said the government would continue making use of the existing medical laws as a way to curb with the increasing habit being practiced by few traditional healers who do not want to follow the laid down rules and regulations set by his ministry. However, he elaborated more on the medical laws saying that, the laws allows the traditional healers as well as medical practitioners in the country to show where they are and at what time could they be available so that their customers should get to know about this, and not specifically the kind of services they render and their ability. Dr. Seif was responding a question which earlier was asked by Dr. Dalaly .P. Kafumu (CCM) Igunga who wanted to know action taken so far by the government over the control of the increased habit by some local herbal healers who are fond of advertising their services in open sign boards and some other newspapers in the country that are able even to heal a deadly HIV/AIDS disease. According to Dr. Kafumu, the increased situation has made many people suspected to have been infected by such a deadly disease which up to now has no medicine, to believe in such deceit and abandon the use of hospital medical treatment and conditions imposed by doctors as safety measures to be taken against such deadly diseases an aspect which ultimately resulted into loss of their lives.


  1. Hello my name Nelly am from UK I give thank to a great doctor who help me out of my illness I was very sick I thank god who use this man to help, it started when i travel to Florida for visit there I meet a lady not knowing to me that she HIV positive I really like the lady because she was beautiful I always see her every moment I close my eye I went to tell her how I feel for her but I don’t know if she know that she HIV I went to bed with her I contacted the virus too when I get home for month my doctor come to check on me and he discover that I have HIV he was shock and tell me I was so confused and so surprised to hear that I was taking HIV drug to cure it for good a 2year I decided to look for cure them I meet this post on internet I contacted him for help… well Dr Camala proving to be a great man and he heal me.. According to him he said is the power of his gods well I thank god am back again if you need cure for your HIV…you can still contact him or his email or number I promise he is 100% he cure any virus like T-VIRUS HIV AID ROTA-VIRUS, SMALLPOX, HEPATITIS B contact him now or visit him at

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  3. I will says to the world to celebrate this great testimony with me, i never believe i can eve get rid of these horrible disease one day. My story and thanksgiving goes to Dr Olorun Oduduwa the powerful man who help me to CURE MY HIV-AIDS disease from my life. I dont know how to say this to everyone, Dr Olorun Oduduwa is a truthful man with high herbs power's he uses to save people's life. Last few days i came in contact with Dr Olorun emails on the internet which people gave much testimonies about his kindfullness work. So i decided to contact him quickly because this disease was almost on the last step of taking my life from me. I have tried all my steps on life to get heal but nobody could ever help apart from Dr Olorun who finally help me to cure my hiv disease from me. I always amaxed and overwhelmed when the doctor comfirm that i am now healed from aids, and i now i am an HIV-AIDS NEGATIVE PATIENT. I wish anyone who is sick today and wants a healing please i will kindly advice you to contact this man called Dr Olorun Oduduwa now at:
    I live in Germany, called Maxwell Brooks. to get this powerful healer full article and trust on his origination and references please visit this below website now at:

  4. i live in California.This is a testimony i want to make.I was an HIV positive for 8 years taking anti retrovirus.As i was reading online some 5 months ago i saw a testimony on cure of HIV.I decided to give a try.Now as am telling you am very negative tested 4 times in 5 months after finishing mu cure.The cure is a pure herbs from Africa shipped to me through DHL.My cure took about 4 to 7 days.Dear brothers and sisters if you are out there,please the cure is out and rush to have yours.If you are interested,email the researcher using or I will encourage every person who come across this mail to cure yourself if you are positive.THESE ARE THE THINGS Dr. Ekpiku. HERPES. HIV/AIDS. CANCER. ALS .

  5. Hello" thank God for the wonderful healing spell power which Dr Camala render to my life which oracle support, i was been diagnosed with HIV-AIDS over 7years now which has lead me to unemployment and loosing my relationship with my fiance after he heard that i am suffering from the VIRUS, i tried begging him to allow me stays with him, but he still insist on letting me out of his home, until a friend of mine on facebook from SOUTH AFRICA told me more about Dr Camala the great healer, that he is going to help restore and healed my diseased with his powerful healing spell, she send me of Dr Camala email address and i quickly contacted him, and he replied to after 30mins of my message that my disease is a little and minor disease, that he will solved the disease immediately only if i can accept all he requested from, i told him yes, because truly i know that " HIV-AIDS IS A WICKED AND DEADLY DISEASE I EVER KNOWS ". so i did all he want from me and surprisingly on friday last week DR Camala called me that my problems is solved that i should hurry up to the hospital for a checkup, which i truly really did, i confirm from my doctor that i am now HIV- NEGATIVE AND NOT LONG +, I jump up and was crying heavily because truly the disease drive alot of things away from my life, my friends, my cousin, my fiance and relatives, but now since i was confirm NEGATIVE- my lost friends and fiance has been back to me begging for forgiveness, i have forgiven them and now we are now best of friend. again i will say to Dr Camala that he is blessed and may the almighty God which i serve raise him and his family to the higher level in life. Thank and god bless. Please email DR Camala for healing and solution now at =
