Wednesday, November 13, 2013

An MP flouts Kikwete’s government for being not aggressive

A  Member of Parliament has said that, lack of aggressiveness is among the factors which have made Tanzania to be slow in quick decision making process, hence failure to keep abreast with other East African countries towards the accomplishment of regional integration process. Nimrod Mkono (CCM) Musoma rural made the concern on Thursday last week in Dodoma after the Head of State had just addressed the Parliament on the Tanzania’s stand over East Africa Community integration. Mkono was commenting on the President Jakaya Kikwete’s speech. Kikwete delivered a speech to Tanzanians through Parliament in order to clear worries among some Tanzanians amid rumours that the country might pull out itself from the regional bloc. Mkono noted that, Tanzanians are too slow to make decisions on the outlined areas of cooperation in the jurisdiction of the community, an aspect that fellow member states such as Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda have resolved to cooperate together to accomplish the task on their sides. However, he said that Tanzania has to learn the capitalist principles of economy in order to keep abreast with global economy and do away with socialist ideologies which he said is still dominating mindset of most leaders in the country. “You can’t expect someone who is running to wait for you” he said giving specific examples of the three member  states who probably might have e seen Tanzania is lagging behind for being not ready to make quick decision on agreed basic fundamental issues of cooperation among members. Other MPs received the speech in different perspectives. In an interview with , John Shibuda (Chadema) an MP for Maswa West hailed President when contacted and noted that, he has defended the development of the social community when he said land will continue to be the property of Tanzanians. However, he also hailed other things like when he said the right of indigenous employment as well as the issue of immigration. With the latter issue the President meant curbing illegal immigrants, these would stand as they are as per the country’s constitution demand. “These are the fundamental rights which the Father of the Nation the late  Mwalimu Julius Nyerere was fighting for during his lifetime” he said adding that, Tanzanians should not be tampered to disengage their mindsets as some of the EAC regional member states are envious to have control with them. He congratulated his speech for being diplomatic and well understood contrary to other ministers whom he didn’t mention saying were misleading the public on Tanzania stand over the issue. 

A Member of Parliament for Musoma rural, Mr. Nimrod Mkono

Moses Machari an MP for Kasulu (NCCR-Mageuzi) said that, the President complained too much about being sidelined by other fellow member East African states, but should have taken one step forward to make negotiations on the table with partners to see what could be done to lure their mindset. Machari who has hailed the government’s initiatives to curb with acts of poaching and wanton felling of trees in our national reserve forests, has advised the government to make negotiations on the table and suggested no need to have an international mediator to intervene and solve the matter as it is too early. He said what the three countries are doing is not good at all bearing the fact that, Tanzania is the founding member since the establishment of the former regional bloc in mid 1960s before it collapsed in 1977, and later on  revived in 1990s. On his part, the Iringa town legislator (Chadema, Reverend Peter Msigwa insisted that the government should do all it could in order to take to task all those suspects who have been arrested on allegations leveled against them as related with economic sabotage during the a national operation dubbed ‘Tokomeza’ which the President has promised. Msigwa who is the shadow minister for Tourism and Natural resources noted that, although the government has suspended the operations indefinitely, he is optimistic that, it would take to task all those implicated in various scandals as related with poaching and wanton felling of natural forests. Andrew Chenge an MP for Bariadi West (CCM) stressed the need for the government to stick into regular meetings as organized by EAC secretariat. Chenge is on the view of the fact that, Tanzania government should not be threatened by meetings organized by the three Presidents of fellow member partners as the EAC has its own special meetings. Chenge once the country’s Attorney General has also served as a Minister for East Africa Community portfolio  in 2006, stated clearly that, what governs the EAC regional bloc is the secretarial meeting which is consisting of enough technical experts to make control of all matters signed for the sake of the community, and in view of this there is no doubt that Tanzania might lose its position. However, he has hailed the President’s speech and noted that what the President said is an overview of what is happening in the community and that Tanzanians should not worry anything about the community as the integration process of a regional bloc is peopled centered as in accordance with the treaty signed. Among the hot matters that the President informed the National Assembly on Thursday was the issue of Tanzania being sidelined following controversial meetings which have been held secretly by three heads of member  states of Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya. The President issued a government stand and assured Tanzanians that, Tanzania will never quit the East African Community and will do everything in its power to ensure it survives and becomes prosperous despite efforts by three fellow member states to sideline. He told a full House: “We are in the EAC to stay. We have come from so far. We have sacrificed too much to give up now. We will do everything in our power to make sure the EAC survives and achieves its ultimate goal of political federation.”

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