Tuesday, September 3, 2013

More people prefers having three tier government structure

THE opposition party Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) yesterday submitted their views for the new constitutional draft in which they have included 66 matters to be reviewed including the support of a three tier government structure. Speaking after submitting their views to the commission, Chadema’s Secretary General Dr. Willbroad Slaa told reporters that they submitted two documents which comprise the opinions of more than 3.4 million of people. He said the submitted views were obtained from the general public by using various ways including open forums or council conference and internal meeting which a total number of 3, 462, 805 million people in the country. Dr. Slaa added that the submitted documents have 66 issues which need to be reviewed, he said that the remaining issues which do not indicate in their document is supported by the party. However, he said generally Chadema supported 80 per cent of the issues in the constitution draft. The secretary has expressed his disappointment over the CRC for not having the good system of receiving the submitted opinion. He cited an example of how the CRC had refused to receive the confirmation papers for people’s opinions with no specific reason. He has criticized opinions earlier issued by a long serving CCM cadre who openly has rejected the proposed three-tier government structure in the first Constitution Draft.  A Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) known as Tanzania International Fellowship Program Association (TIFPA) has recommended in the new constitution currently under review that, there should be a three tier government structure so as to give equal rights to both partner states. TIFPA’s idea is contained in its 13 paged report as their recommendations over the new draft of constitution which it submitted on Wednesday this week to the Constitutional Review Commission (CSC). TIFPA has suggested that, the structure of the government should have one Union President and each partner state should have their governments ruled by Prime Ministers taken as heads of government activities. TIFPA members had realised that, the existence of a three government structure was important as it would consolidate the union status as each member state would have time to concentrate on their own economic matters without external interference. TIFPA’s Chairperson Charles Mkude said in Dar es Salaam yesterday that, the truth comes from the idea that, Zanzibar has had its own government ever since the union came into being and nobody knows where Tanganyikan government is. Highlighting other reasons he said that, the current government structure system works in discrimination as no anybody from Tanzania mainland is allowed to dominate land in the Isles where as it is easier for Zanzibaris to be given land in the mainland. However, he s aid this is not fair. He said as of currently, a minister from House of Representatives of the Revolutionary government of Zanzibar enters into a union Parliament whereas this is not the case for Ministers of the Tanzania mainland to have a vocal say in their government. Meanwhile, retired men of uniform including generals came forward three weeks ago and gave two major ideas that they recommended should be included in the draft constitution. Speaking recently under the umbrella of an association of retired army personnel, the former combatants retired Brigadier-General Reginald Maimu Chonjo said the envisaged new constitution should provide for the president to be tried in court after retirement. However, he noted that there was a pressing need of having a clause in the new constitution that would give room for the retired presidents to be arraigned in court to answer charges of offences they shall have committed deliberately during their tenure in office. He said if this clause is included would compel individuals holding the office of president to discharge their responsibilities in the right way for fear of being prosecuted after their retirement. The retired army officers also suggested that if three governments format was approved it would be advisable to have only president of the United Republic of Tanzania, with Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar having heads of executive holding the title of prim minister. The Constitution Review Commission (CRC) announced that institutions and other like-minded groups are allowed to deliberate on their own and present their opinions to the commission before or on Saturday August 31.
Chadema'a Secretary General Dr. Wilbroad Slaa

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