Tuesday, May 7, 2013

CCM sends condolence message to Tanzanians

The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has sent its heartfelt condolence message to the people of Tanzania and the bereaved family of the two people who died as a result of the bomb attack which occurred at a catholic church in Arusha  on Sunday last week. CCM’s Secretary General, Abdulahaman Kinana said in a press c conference yesterday at CCM headquarter building here in Dodoma that, CCM party is greatly shocked  with the terrorist  act of setting a bomb in the church which ultimately has caused deaths to two innocent prayers. In his message, he has strongly condemned the action which he termed it as terrorist action and asked the government to take appropriate necessary legal actions measures against the offenders. Has however, asked for a severe punishment to those who will be found guilty following the incident which up to now the police are investigating to find out the real cause of the incident.
CCM’s Secretary General, Abdulahaman Kinana flanked by former deputy UN secretary general Dr. Asha Rose Migiro
He said, a severe punishment is deserved in order to deter other people who might be thinking of planning such a mission in future which   he described to be of its kind in the country since independence time. However, he has also asked Tanzanians to continue maintaining peace and harmony following the incident as the security forces are doing all they could in their investigations which up to now six people are being held by police in connection with the incident.         On Sunday morning dozens of worshippers were injured in the explosion in the crowded Catholic in the northern Tanzanian city of Arusha which has killed at least two people in what is described to be a terrorist attacked. For a couple of a year, Tanzania has seen a rise in sectarian violence between Christians and Muslims. Last month, police in Sengerema used teargas to disperse about 200 Christian rioters attempting to torch a mosque over an animal slaughtering conflict. In February, a Catholic priest was shot in the head on the largely Muslim island of Zanzibar. In another incident, a church belonging to Lutheran Church of Tanzania was stormed and torched by people believed to be irate Muslim believers in Mbagala on the outskirts of the Dar es Salaam city after a Christian child aged 12 years old urinated on a book of Quran in a controversial childish joke.

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