Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sumaye urges fellow CCM members to emulate Nyerere by action

FORMER Prime Minister Fredrick Sumaye has reiterated his stance in the fight over corruption and called on fellow CCM members to desist from such malpractices which might cause a position distortion of the good image of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM party)  Sumaye gave his concern recently in Dar es Salaam while addressing academicians who gathered at a symposium organized by Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy to discuss the 13th anniversary celebrations of the death of the father of Nation, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere whose climax was held a month ago. The former premier who was the guest of honour in a three hour discussion, recently showed his attitude after having been annoyed by some CCM members’ behavious of becoming fond of seeking for leadership by introducing money as a token to carry on their corruptive practices during elections. In his speech, he has praised the late father of the nation for what he had done for Tanzanians for the last 24 years he had been in power since independence time up to 1985, and described him as a person who had a vision to develop Tanzanians and cursed corruption with all efforts whatsoever. Describing some of the things he did during his lifetime, he said that, the late father of the nation had a firm stance while making decisions and was ready to admit any mistake inadvertently committed by himself.

Former Tanzania's Prime Minister Fredrick Sumaye.

Unlike some leaders of today, giving an example of the ruling CCM party, the premier noted that some were not willing to be opened and give out their doubts whenever required to explain of any mischief likely to have been committed by them. “That is not the character Julius Nyerere had” he said adding that, personal interests among some few leaders was a factor that causes all the problems the nation is currently faced with including the inflation which keeps on going up, a trend that haunts the low income people in the country. Sumaye also praised Mwalimu for his dedication over the fighting against poverty and human exploitation, a thing that most leaders in the country does not have. He was on the view of the fact that, there are some leaders who willfully engage in grand corruption a situation that paralyses the economy of the country. However, he has suggested that, the government should take a keen interest to fight with corruption and if possible take the issue as criminal treason case, as if this is not tackled by now will be a troublesome in future for this country. Commenting his ideas, an academician Alex Shauri a second year student pursuing politics and management at the college has suggested that, in order to emulate Nyerere’s philosophy, ethics in leadership should be revived in order to make matters in a proportional level. He added that, the government should prepare a special policy intended for civil service servants in the country in order to strengthen the legal leadership which would be considered with all equal rights in the country. Describing the reputations which Mwalimu had, another contributor, Mboneka Peter, a third year student  noted that, the late Mwalimu stood for the constitution for the welfare of the people in the country, and even if we are currently reviewing the constitution, it will be nothing if it will be there and our leaders do not take a firm decision to defend it. He has therefore urged the government to put their deliberations in action instead of mere talking of matters which have become the order of the day without anything of

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