Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Marando uncovers illegal SMS spoofing by CCM syndicate

THE advisor for the intelligence department of the Tanzania’s leading opposition ‘Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo’ (CHADEMA) Mabera Marando has declared that, through his intelligence work, he has discovered that the recent claims by the ruling party over the short messages sent to an MP Mwigulu Mchemba (CCM) that was alleged to have been sent by CHADEMA members, is an act of provocation. Marando who is also an advisor of the party’s legal affairs told a press conference in Dar es Salaam recently that, he is sure with proof that, the messages were sent by CCM criminals members whom he said used the machine known as SMS Scooping to practice their illegal action  However, he disclosed that the perpetrators are from the CCM syndicated team led by the son of the famous leader in the current government (refused to name him) who bought the machine from an Israel based manufacturing firm known as Nice Systems Ltd. He said by using the machine, the perpetrators can easily temper with someone’s mobile phone network connection and do whatever they want and at the end, the owner of the phone would be caught to have miraculously have communicated through, but this id done in vice versa without their knowledge.  “My dear journalists, I can assure you that, the machine was bought by the son of the famous top national leader in our government”, he said but refused to mention his name when required to do so in order to justify his point. However, he further said that, he is confident with what he is saying as he has full evidence even if he is taken before the court of law to testify the truth about the matter, he is ready to tender the evidences. He also disclosed that, the country’s Attorney General Judger Fredrick Werema is secretly preparing a prosecution charge sheet in collaboration with the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) against the alleged CHADEMA members with intent to demoralize the party’s strength.

Mabere Marando being interviewed by traditional media at CHADEMA's party headquarter in Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam city.

He said, as legal advisor of the leading opposition party in the country, her would make sure that, no anything bad on the side of the party is illegally done to harm the party, and instead he would stand firm to defend the party wherever possible. Describing SMS spoofing malpractice, Marando noted that, this is a criminal offense that has enshrined in a relatively new technological network systems which uses the short message service (SMS) available on most mobile phones and personal digital assistants, to set who the message appears to come from by replacing the original mobile number with alphanumeric text. He further said that, spoofing occurs when a sender manipulates address information and it is often done ion order to impersonate a user that has roamed onto a foreign network and is submitting messages outside the home network. In another development, Marando has criticized the habit shown by the National parliamentary speakers of preventing the opposition camp from discussing issues which are mentioned by the courts. He says that, any case which is being mentioned by the court pending for preliminary hearing, has the legality of discussion in parliament. However, he said that, a case which has been set for hearing and the proceedings noted by evidences tendered in courts by prosecution, such kind of a case is bound for discussion and if it happens to be discussed or reported is only that part which shall have been tendered as an exhibit before the court. But he is surprised to see that, the parliament puts an injunction over the listening of a case presented for clarification that is against the parliamentary standing orders, however, he questioned saying that, the practice done by the ruling party as they have realized their mischief would be discovered. Marando was making a clarification on the recent report by the opposition camp which was bound in parliament to talk about the fate of the Chairman of Medical Association of Tanzania (MAT) who was thoroughly beaten by unknown people over the allegation of staging a doctor’s strict at Muhimbili National Hospital recently.

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