Thursday, September 13, 2012

DC warns police force in Tarime district

FEW days after the death of a Channel Ten reporter in Iringa town, Daudi Mwangosi who was killed by the police in a cold blood during their excessive operational move, Rorya district Commissioner in Mara region Elias Goloi has warned against bad attitudes being practiced by few police officers in their move to minimize chaos within his district. DC Goloi issued a warming last week in Tarime town in a ceremonial occasion for which he was the guest of honor during which some police officers and few traditional elders of the Kurya tribe were honored for their contribution that helped restore peace and harmony in the district. In his speech, the DC said that, there are some few police officers who are fond of asking bribes while carrying out their duties an aspect that tarnishes the good image of the police force in the country. However, he has warned them to desist from such malpractice. The occasion which was organized by Rorya/Tarime special police zone is an annual event aimed at taking measures to curb with the escalating chaos which have occasionally been emerging in Tarime and Rorya districts respectively.  A total of 19 police officers including traditional elders were awarded with cash prizes and certificates by the police force as their contribution has greatly helped the police to minimize chaos.

Rorya District Commissioner in Mara region Mr. Elias Goloi presenting cash prize and a certificate to one of the police officers for his contribution in the fight against crime in the district.

In the occasion also there were some organizations which were also honored alongside for their contributions in one way or another as they had volunteered in financing operational activities when required. They were awarded by certificates only. The organizations were Anglican diocese of Tarime town, Tarime Teachers Training College, African Gold Mine of Nyamongo, CMC Motors and Mantrac (T) Ltd. These organizations were honored for their corporate responsibility work and their effective participation. Various officials of the district levels attended the occasion who included Tarime District Commissioner, John Henjewele, Director of Tarime district council Fidelis Lumato. Others were the two Regional Police Commanders for special zone and for the region, RPC for Mara region SACP Absalome Mwaylasone and RPC for special police zone ACP Justus Kamugisha. Together with other things, the DC noted various challenges faced by the police force in the district as insufficient budget allocation to enable run the operational activities, lack of working facilities and many others. In view of this, he has thanked the organizations for their moral support and asked them to continue giving help as they are serving Tanzanian people and nobody else.  Reports shows that in the past there were tribal clashes among members of the Kurya tribe which have been occurring now and then and the sources of these clashes was related with the different ethnic clans who were fighting over cattle rustling. Either the history tells that, there have been sporadic fights and clashes which occur after ten years’ time that involves between bigger communities against those small ones. In view of this, in 2009, the government decided to transform Tarime/Rorya districts into special police zone in efforts to stop the clashes and rampant cross border cattle rustling in the area a move that has proved successful.

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