Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dr. Hoseah outlines ways to curb grand corruption in the country

THE Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), has reiterated its stance to continue with the investigations on the misuse of public funds with a view to net the culprits who are directly involved in one way or another in a massive grand corruption in the country. The call was made early this week by the PCCB Director General Dr. Edward Hoseah in a special interview conducted by the Dar es Salaam based Independent Television (ITV) station during the 45 minutes talk show which is being prepared by a TV presenter Selemeni Semunyu and aired on every Monday. He was analyzing various development concepts for which the PCCB has undertaken for the last six years whereby the PCCB boss noted that his organization has managed to present five grand corruption cases to the government, but couldn’t mention people who are involved in these cases. He said investigations leading to grand corruption takes long time and needs skills and sophisticated weapons to work out. He explained by giving example of a fisherman who gets prepared to fish out sharks in deep sea, saying that “must get prepared with big ships and modern equipment in order to accomplish their mission”. However, he cautioned to those who says that PCCB is not working satisfactorily in order to get rid of the culprits in grand corruption seen taking place in the country, but must know that the work requires intensive preparations before being undertaken in order to yield good results. He therefore noted that, a joint concerted effort is needed by all Tanzanians in order to succeed as it’s very difficult to accomplish the task within six years’ time, “don’t you see this is really a difficult task? He queried while insisting for the preparations when responding a question from the TV presenter. The call by Dr. Hoseah comes amid reports which are currently under investigations by his office following reports recently issued by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) that alleged the stashing away of over Sh. 350 billion by unknown prominent government figures to various Swiss banks in Geneva, Switzerland. In order for the PCCB to work more effectively and efficiently, Dr. Hoseah has suggested that, the government should widen the networks up to the interior villages in wards so as to get more cooperation from the people easily.

PCCB Director General Dr. Edward Hoseah

The move behind according to him, would strengthen the effectiveness of the work with the people in district councils and increasing more skills and professionalism so as to meet regular challenges into performing better in the entire country. Analyzing various strategies put down by his organization, Dr. Hoseah noted that, skills and professionalism are the key elements into performing good job as this defends the rights and the dignity of the people involved. Dr. Hoseah is on the view of the fact that, protection of people’s dignity is the key element that is looked especially to those being investigated. He therefore cautioned that if such people are among the high ranking government officials in the government was not good to discuss them in public. Elaborating between corruption and bribe in relation to the act that restricts both the giver and the receiver when the two met in their secret hiding places, he said that, basically a person who asks for a bribe is the one who has to be tackled first for he is the one who starts the deal. Meanwhile, the PCCB has already investigated 72 cases out of 469 earlier issued by the Controller Accounts General (CAG) which it had presented in parliament in March this year, and Dr. Hoseah said that, his organization is underway to inquire for the permit of these cases which would allow them to take culprits to court.

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