Tuesday, August 7, 2012


It is really an arbitual memory when remembering people who at the moment are no longer living with us in the world. The photo above reminds me of my last days when I paid a visit to the late Bob Makani, the founder of the strong opposition party "Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo" (CHADEMA) before his death two weeks later, this was in mid of June 2012. I joined a campany with a journalist with Nipashe tabloid newspaper Mr. Mkate up to his residence at Mbezi Beach near White Sands Hotel. Mr. Mkate had an appointment with the late Makani on that day to discuss with him various matters pertaining to the development of the political artmoshere and tensions in the country. But with him, the interview was all about to collect his views on his party's campaigns his part had launched with the slogan titled "Vua gamba, Vaa gwanda". The party's campaign slogan had a significance of fighting corruption and hence forcing the perpetrators to resign and gets ready in the struggle for people's better life, a slogan which the CHADEMA party members occassionally uses in their struggle while moving in upcountry partyy's campagn meetings on their move to create new membership in its operations known as operation sangara.

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