Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The government pledges to punish local government leaders

THE Government has reiterated its need of taking legal actions against all those local government leaders whose district councils are implicated in various financial scandals as recently disclosed in a report of Controller Accounts General. The Vice-President Dr. Mohammed Gharib Bilal recently in Dar es Salaam that, the government has already ordered its administrative machineries to undertake appropriate action in the whole process of handling the issue and take to court culprits who would be found guilty. Dr. Bilal was addressing City Mayors, District Chairmen/persons, and District Directors of the Local Government Authorities in the country who gathered during their 28th Annual conference of the Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (ALAT) at Kunduci Beach on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam city. He said in his keynote address which he delivered in Kiswahili language that the government was shocked by the CAG’s report which has shown the general poor performance of the financial management that led to the misappropriation of public funds in some of the district councils in the country. However, he said adding that together with this report which he termed it as being shameful, the government will not keep quite with such malpractice and it must show its concern over the matter by taking appropriate actions wherever possible and without fail. “It is our responsibility to show diligence at our work places so that we may abide by the work rules and ethical regulations as stipulated under the scheme of civil service management” he said while insisting that leaders should not let down their people who gave them the mandate and power to rule them”. The CAG’s report heated a debate and ensued the National Assembly in Dodoma whereby some ministers were implicated in a report of mismanagement of public funds. In response to this, President Jakaya Kikwete came with a decision to institute a cabinet reshuffle and advise to ensure both disciplinary and legal measures were taken against the culprits. Apart from the offending ministers, the CAG’s report also implicated several other public officials accused of sanctioning dubious payments of ghost workers, signing bad contracts and the silence maintained for gross misuse of public funds in different district councils in the country. During the sessions, the legislators debated findings by the CAG as well as a report by three committees namely the Public Organizations Accounts Committee (POAC) under Zitto Kabwe, an MP for Kigoma North (CHADEMA). The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) under John Cheyo, an MP for Bariadi East constituency (UDP) and Local Authority Accounts Committee (LAAT) under Augustine Mrema an MP for Vunjo East (TLP). Legislators spoke strongly against what they termed as unsatisfactory delivery of the entrusted public leaders whom they refer as Ministers and Municipal directors , some suggesting immediate resignation to allow an independent probe over the allegations they face. The Vice-President also took time to remind ALAT members of the current economic situation in the country is, noting that this is because of the global economic hardships which has wrecked havoc young nations. In view of this, however he has advised the local government to take deliberate actions in order to curb with the prevailing economic hardship situation as they are the representatives of the majority of Tanzanians. He said in the meantime, the central government has been fulfilling its objectives by working in collaboration with the donor countries to help the local government, and the move has to a larger extent helped to push on the economic development of the people in the country. Either he thanked them for their development which they have shown so far towards various social-economic sectors by increasing schools, expansion of health services, water supply services and rural road infrastructure. The money used has helped to curb with the various challenges facing the country, and now plans by the government is to increase the number of teachers in schools already built as well as to get teaching tools. He said the rehabilitation of rural infrastructure will enable many socials services reach many people in the rural areas. He however noted that, in order for the government to succeed more, a joint concerted efforts is urgently required in order to effectively maintain new major sources of incomes as these would help to upgrade the municipal budgets. Earlier during the opening of the meeting, the Minister for Local Government Authorities Capt retired George Mkuchika said that his ministry is disappointed with the fact that their subsidy reduced for the development of their local government activities compared to the current operational costs incurred. He says the reduction of subsidy known as General Purpose Grant by 79 percent since 2011/12 financial year, which started to be issued in 2004 in a bid to compensate losses incurred of the internal revenues has to a certain extent paralyzed the entire operational activities of the local governments in the country. He has however asked the government to look at this matter in the coming budget so that it should be reviewed so as to boost the development of the local government authorities in the country.

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