Monday, September 19, 2011

The government does not have money to fund SMEs-Cyril tells entrepreneurs

THE Minister for Trade and Industries Dr. Cyril Chami has said that, Tanzania government does not have money with which to fund the development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the country. Dr. Cyril made the call recently in Dar es Salaam when addressing entrepreneurs in a closing ceremony of their week long training program which was organized by the University of Dar es Salaam School of Business (UDBS) for which he was invited as the guest of honour. The training which was attended by 683 participants from various parts of the country was offered freely as part of a week long celebrations by UDBS to mark the 50th anniversary of the University of Dar es Salaam whose climax ends on 25th October this year. In his speech Dr. Cyril told entrepreneurs to find other means of solving their woes through Private Public Partnership spirits by collaborating with donor funding organizations or through financial institutions accredited in the country. Earlier, the minister was asked a question by one of the participants’ representatives who wanted to know what steps does the government take in order to help promote the development of the SMEs in terms of capital for investments.

The Minister of Trade and Industries Dr. Cyril Chami presenting a certificate of participation to one of the 683 entrepreneurs who attended a one week long training program on entrepreneurship skills which was offered by University of Dar es Salaam School of Business (UDBS) at a function which was held recently at UDBS hall in Dar es Salaam.

In reply, however, the minister added by urging them not to depend much on the government in such issues as it’s engaged with lots of projects and moreover doesn’t have money set in its budget to the ministry to help accommodate entrepreneurs’ activities. He advised them not to rely on the financial institutions for funding, as most banks operating in the country are not friendly with SMEs and apart from that, the increased bureaucracy encountered is a major impediment while applying for credit loans. However, instead the Minister told them to coordinate with Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO) to get entrepreneurship knowledge through capacity building in terms of training. “This is only the way most of entrepreneurs would avert themselves out of abject poverty”,. He said adding that SIDO is an institution that works under the umbrella of the Ministry of Trade and Industries and is highly engaged in capacity building. He urged them to undergo entrepreneurship trainings on various stages of basic business administrations through which the knowledge acquired would widen their entrepreneurship skills. These are the only strategic plans to make them survive He urged them to tolerate all the way through their business hardships and that they shouldn’t despair as there is nothing which is easier for the development of the people’s life without struggling hard. “Tanzanian industries would be built by Tanzanians themselves and nobody else, therefore you must strive by all means to achieve your goals by showing diligence and determination in every business undertakings” he said. Earlier, interviewed tutors at the school noted that the knowledge they give to them is highly commendable and a challenge to young entrepreneurs who are not well educated or half-educated therefore it will make them have confidence in other business dealings in order to fair in competition in East African common market. Highlighting on a week long entrepreneurship training knowledge acquired which the UDBS offered freely, the dean of the Business school Dr. Marcelina Chijoriga said that participants were taught on how to become innovative and with self-determination so as to successfully accomplish their various daily activities.

The Dean of the University of Dar es Salaam School of Business (UDBS) Mrs Marcelina Chijoriga responds questions to Mlimani TV crew on the development of her school recently during the celebrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM).

She said in a move to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the UDSM, as well as the 50th anniversary of the country’s independence, The UDBS decided to offer a free training to small and medium enterprises in the country to empower them through capacity building program. They have learnt some of the basic topics associated with the ways on how to manage their enterprises such as business tactics, techniques, business administration and management in general and later participants were awarded with the certificates of participation. Some interviewed participants have expressed their concern over the government’s insistence on maintaining good governance saying that most of the country’s resources is being misused and never benefits Tanzanians. They are disappointed to see that our country’s resources is enough and abundant, but how comes that we are not benefiting so far? Says Lazaro Nyaonge, a manager of the Morogoro based Linas Longer Living Foods Company. An assistant lecturer at the UDBS Mr. Renger Kanan said in an interview with this paper during the climax of the UDBS week long cerebrations that, there is a growing gap between the government and the businessmen, manufacturers and all those in the business sector in general. He said that if this issue of the electricity would not be solved easily would cost a lot to the people of Tanzania and the government’s major ope4rational activities would come to a stand still as it would lack money to run its other operations due to low taxes paid as most manufacturers would stop production and hence redundancy would follow. In view of this, he has strongly urged the government to equalize the ration of electricity supply in the country in order to be on safe side. This should be given first priority as it is a most crucial commodity for every development plans. Electricity is used to drive electronic gadgets for ICTs such as computers and machines.

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