Saturday, June 11, 2011

US State secretary jets in Dar

Secretary of State of the United States of America, Hillary R. Clinton is expected to arrive in Dar es Salaam today, for a three-day official visit.A statement issued by the Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation ministry said on arrival at the Julius Nyerere International Airport, the visiting Secretary of State will be received by her counterpart, Bernard Membe. Clinton, who arrived in Zambia yesterday, is on a five-day Africa trip that will also take her to Ethiopia.

The statement said Clinton’s visit is geared towards enhancing the existing strong bilateral relations and partnership between Tanzania and the US that include support for democratic institutions and promotion of good governance. It also aims at fostering sustainable economic growth and support of sectors of education, infrastructure, energy and agriculture; combating health pandemics; prevention of conflicts and enhancement of maritime security. The statement said further that Clinton will have an opportunity to attend a meeting on Nutrition in Dar es Salaam and also launch a “Feed the Future Initiative Project” in Kibaha. “She will also have an opportunity to visit the Ubungo Power Station and the Buguruni Health Centre in Ilala before laying a wreath of flower in memory of victims of the 1998 terror attacks at the former US Embassy along Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road in Dar es Salaam,” it said. The US Secretary of State is expected to leave Tanzania next Monday.

An aerial view of the Dar es Salaam city centre.
In Lusaka, Clinton grooved with an ululating chorus of African businesswomen who have benefited from US help at a meeting on AGOA, the US programme signed into law by her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in 2000 to give trade preferences for some 37 eligible African countries. "The most successful development programme is one that will someday make itself unnecessary," Clinton said, describing a range of US programmes aimed at strengthening governance and accountability and supporting grassroots economic growth. Other countries, Clinton said, may successfully sign a deal or construct a building, but do not "leave anything sustainable behind other than perhaps a physical structure." "Africa does not lack in physical structures," Clinton said. "Africa lacks in connections between countries." To get there, she said Africa's leaders still needed to deliver on promises to cut local trade barriers, streamline regulation and expand opportunities, particularly for women. US officials want Congress to extend AGOA when it expires in 2015, but say it is time to take a hard look at ways to address nagging bureaucratic and infrastructure problems, widespread corruption and often lopsided trade. Meanwhile both the White House and the State Department have denied news that Clinton was seeking the top World Bank post.


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