Monday, April 18, 2011

An intellectual wonders why Swahili is not included in the constitution?

According to him, Swahili language is not mentioned in the national constitution. He said and added that, Kenyans have gone as far as maintaining the Swahili language and put it in their constitution for insistence as a national language and it’s shameful that Tanzania has not. Kenya has developed in Swahili than Tanzania because they have taken the language more seriously since before in order to help their country, and that is why they are good ambassadors of the language abroad. Either these experts have largely praised President Jakaya Kikwete who fought vigorously to let Swahili language being spoken in Africa Union meetings during his tenure as the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the third phase government. Other Swahili experts who graced the occasion included, Mr. Maulid Omary Haji of Zanzibar National College. Mr. Maulid is currently a Phd. student of the Open University of Tanzania for which Professor Sengo is his supervisor. He is also an Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of Swahili and Foreign Languages (TAKILUKI). Others were Professor Ahmed Sheikh Nabhany a Swahili Consultant Advisor of the Research Institute of Swahili Studies of Eastern Africa (RISSEA), Ismail Mohammed Salim, a retired secondary teacher, and Professor Abdallah .J. Safari.

Professor Tigiti Sengo with other Swahili experts who attended the occasion in a group photo

Professor Sengo’s wife giving a vote of thanks prior to the closing of the ceremony

Professor Sengo giving a speech in which he congratulated the author Mzee Yusufu Halimoja

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