Saturday, January 15, 2011

Maintain quality standards, TBS boss tells local manufacturers

THE Director General of Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) Mr. Charles Ekelege has warned local manufacturers in the country to keep maintaining their certified ‘tbs’ license mark that guarantees good quality on their products so as to be recognized in the East Africa common market. The TBS boss made the call last week in Dar es Salaam during a short ceremony he organized to congratulate 14 local manufacturing companies for their successful efforts which enabled them to be awarded with license bearing ‘tbs’ certified quality marks for their products. He said, the East African common market which was officially opened in July 2010, adheres to quality standards on goods manufactured locally, and since the ‘tbs’ mark is recognized by all five member states, there is no doubt for any local manufacturer to be proud having it.

Tanzania Bureau of Standards’ Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Charles Ekelege talking to 14 members of manufacturing companies whom he had given ‘tbs’ certified mark on their products. The ceremony was held recently in his office in Dar es Salaam.

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