Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tanzania’s engineering community marks 8th engineers’ day celebration

Among the most important roles being played by the Tanzania Engineer’s Registration Board (ERB) is to ensure excellent work performance by engineers in the country. This is in a bid to avoid complaints from the public against shoddy construction in a project undertaken. Ascertaining and certifying practicing engineers is among the vital roles played by the Engineers Registration Board in the country. The Board ensures that safety standards and quality performances are adhered to at any construction site in order to avoid any possible complaints that may arise from the general public resulting from shoddy construction jobs in various projects undertaken.

Norwegian Ambassador Mr Svein Baera talking to Tanzania’s engineers below. The government of Royal Republic of Norway has donated about USD 1.8 to ERB. The money would be used to facilitate 200 women engineers each year for five years under its SEAP program.

A cross section of over 800 engineers of various engineering disciplines who attended the occasion at Mlimani City in Dar es Salaam listening to the proceedings.

A woman passes along the advertisement placed outside the hall by the side of the main Sam-Nujoma road at a junction that leads to a conference venue.

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