Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Tanzanian Police Brass-Band led the procession of government workers who trailed behind them slowly matching in groups formed in single file as they entered the Mnazi Mmoja grounds to start the celebrations.

Workers of Kenya government who adorned themselves in special red clothes also joined the procession in a similar walking style.

The guest of honour, the deputy Zanzibar Chief Minister Mr. Ali Shamuhuna walked down the VIP table to visit various pavilions to see what the exhibitors had displayed, he started to visit Kenya pavilion. On his right he is flanked by the Minister of State, Public Service Management Ms Hawa Ghasia. As he moved from one pavilion to another, there was a mass movement of the people who trailed behind him.
Africa believe that through the exchange of ideas and feedback from stakeholders, the occasion has contributed to a greater extent in the improvement of service delivery in African countries. Among the Tanzanian dignitaries who attended the celebrations were the Minister of State responsible for Public Service Management M/s Hawa Ghasia, and the Minister of State responsible for good governance, M/s Sophia Simba, and also from Pan-African level was a Kenyan Minister of State for Public Service who is also the Chairperson of the 6th African Ministers for Public/Civil service Hon. Dalmas Otieno Anyango who was accompanied by some officials and some Kenyan civil service servants also graced the occasion, apart from them were also Public Service ministers and representatives from other African countries.

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