Monday, July 6, 2009


An exhibitor giving explanation to the visitor at the National Housing Building Research Agency’s pavilion (NHBRA)

Students from Agape Mbagala secondary school in Temeke district, Dar es Salaam region contributed a total of Tshs. 330,000 to an organization dealing with the helping of the disabled children in the country. At the organization’s pavilion, I managed to capture the Chairman of the organization Mr. Charles Mapima when receiving the money. According to him, his organization targets to collect a total of Tshs. 800 million (About US$ 650,000).

A woman with visionary disability using a typewriter machine, she is a teacher at Uhuru mixed primary school in Dar es Salaam, this is government school for disabled children. She was brought at the exhibition by the ministry of education at their pavilion to demonstrate how she undergoes her typing skills while her both eyes cannot see totally. It was a wonderful experience to visitors most of whom were perplexed to see her performing her typing skills without missing a word.
These principles and rules of conduct are Equality of Treatment of citizens, Neutrality in service delivery along the objectives of the government of the day, Legality in terms of administrative decisions conforming to laws and regulations, Continuity in terms of ongoing service delivery to customers, Proximity and Accessibility of services, Participation, Consultation and mediation, Quality, effectiveness and efficiency, Evaluation of services, Transparency and Information speed and responsiveness, and Reliability and confidentiality of information concerning citizens . The relations between the public service administration and its employees shall be based on professional merit and respect for human rights. Each public service must also see to the career development prospects of public service employees while ensuring the development of human resources and their self-fulfillments.

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