Saturday, June 13, 2009

A visit to Ruaha National Park, now the largest in Tanzania

I had never dreamt of visiting a national park in my life, because I thought it was too expensive and unaffordable for an ordinary man like me. Most Tanzanians also think that it’s time wasteful as well time consuming just to spend a fraction of their money to see wild animals in national parks. According to such thoughts by many, these parks were established for a certain minority groups of people such as the Europeans who are considered to be the most well off.

Tourists coming out of game warder’s both at the entrance to Ruaha national park after having registered themselves.

A sign post at the gate with instructions to visitors.

After paying the entrance fees, game warders at the gate opens the gate to allow visitors’ vehicles to enter the park zone that confronts the banks of the great Ruaha river.

Three thatched huts on which sometimes visitors rests while viewing the flow of water at the banks of great Ruaha river seen infront.

People must understand that they have the wrong notion in their mind and are totally mistaken for that. The entrance fees to national parks or to most tourist destination centres charged in the country is more cheaper than one could imagine. It’s actually more affordable to local citizens rather than foreigners who pays much higher in variation depending on a particular tourist site to be visited, but it’s about twenty times the actual amount paid in total compared to the rates charged for local citizens.

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