Saturday, June 13, 2009


38 species of fish have been identified in great Ruaha river. They traditionally provide an important part of the diet of people living along the river. Within the park, crocodiles have apparently increased in recent years and now some very large ones can be seen along the river bank. There are also many hippos that use the river by day and come to gaze at night on the surrounding grassland.

A famous baobab tree at Ruaha National park, the tree which has a hole in the middle of its trunk, is an attraction to most tourists visiting the park

Throughout the park, the presence of Baobabs and other trees can be seen almost everywhere. The Boabab trees with their scientific name “Adansonia Digitata” are many. These magnificent trees can may live for up to 3000 years and are remarkably resilient and most of the big ones have a lifespan of between 100 and 800 years old. In 1970s it was feared by some that baobabs would be eliminated from parts of the park by the activities of elephants who strip the bark to obtain food and moisture from the wood. However, perhaps because of the reduction in elephant numbers during the 1980s, and the freedom of dispersal of the remaining population, they have survived and area prominent feature of the landscape.

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