Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mzumbe University to organize ICT training on fraud prevention for police force

MZUMBE University (Dar es Salaam Business School) has or4ganized a five day computer related crimes and frauds course for police force in the country. According rto the course coordinator, Dr. Kenneduy Mkutu, over 50 participants including law enforcement officers, bankers, insurance agencies, customs, revenues authorities, security officers from targeted areas like airports, harbours, power plants, banks and telecommunication firms will attend. The course would give an understanding of the types of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related crimes that take place in day’s life and how to prepare or prevent them. According to him, the participants will be exposed to ICT computer networks, the use of ICT in everyday life, internet and email cyber crimes, computers and frauds, computer crimes investigation, computer forensics and information security.
According to him, Mzumbe University is all out to provide knowledge and understanding of computer related crimes and frauds, and such criminal activities in the cyberspace were on the rise. Dr. Mkutu who is also a lecturer at the university says that cyberspace crime has potentially devastating impacts to businesses, public services, power plants, transport networks, ports, airlines, financial institutions and governments.
The course instructional approach will involve lectures, seminar, group discussions and presentations and at the end of the training, participants will be able to understand identity and demonstrate how to investigate preliminary computer crimes.

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