Friday, August 8, 2008

Understand little knowledge about your computer and internet communication

HAVE you ever wondered the great things that a computer is capable of doing? A computer is a machine that is capable of performing tasks under the control of a program or a set of programs. A user-friendly gadget such as a computer should be the pride of every individual in the wake of increased ICT use in this era of globalization. We might find it handy to use it at home or at work places. A program is just a set of instructions that a computer can understand, and they are these instructions that a computer will use to perform a certain task. The performance of a computer is usually measured by the ability and speed of the computer to execute those instructions. The set of instructions can be sub-divided into application and operating software, these are set of instructions by as software. Hence the general study of a computer application can be divided into both a software and a hardware. The hardware refers to the aspect of the physical tangible components of a computer whereas the software refers to the set of instructions or programs that control the function and performance of a computer. Within this set of software, there are also sub-divisions where the software can be sub-divided into systems software and application software. Application software is all about that software that is used to perform specific tasks and is usually tailor made to solve certain known tasks. An example will be an application like a word processor. System software refers to software that is specifically designed for the well functioning and operation of the computer. This includes utility programs for the computer like the set of instructions for the start up (booting of the computer) operating system e.g Windows 2000, Linux, Unix etc.

A user-friendly gadget such as a computer should be the pride of every individual in the wake of increased ICT use in this era of globalization. People are now using the internet connected to it anywhere you move around the world.

For a long time people have seen computers as something outside of this world because of the myths about their sophistication. Many people never even hoped that they would in these days and age own a computer that they would operate with at home or at their work places. They were seen as things for maneuvering big space ships. It’s nowadays that this myths about computers is being demystified to make people appreciate the importance and the user friendliness of computers. A computer is now a common feature in homes and people are now using the internet connected to it anywhere you move around the world. Internet is one of the most powerful tools for electronic dissemination of information and has overshadowed other communication modes. This is the most common use of computers as witnessed by the increased number of internet cafes in most countries. Through the World Wide Web, people in different geographical places can access important information from different parts of the world on different subjects at anytime. Communication via electronic mail has also proven to be one use of computers that has become very common over the last few years. With the great advances in technology, this vital aspect has been extended to hand held devices like palm top and cell phones enabling people to access their electronic mail on these hand held devices anywhere and at any time of the day. Besides the internet, computers can also be used as servers for storage of huge amounts of vital data. The ancient way of filling information being replaced by the introduction of large storage computers usually referred to as servers to take the handing of the huge volumes of data. Not only do these servers reduce the amount of paper work, but also they increase the efficiency of doing some of the process or operations that were being done annually. Consider for example, the amount of space that would be required to house files with hospitals patient history for say ten years and compare it to the introduction of just one computer to handle all that information. This has made a positive impact on the overall output and time taken to complete some repetitive tiresome operations. From this, it can be seen that with the use of computers time for operations and work reduces significantly as much of the work would now be done by the computers automatically thereby increasing efficiency and accuracy.

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