Friday, August 1, 2008


THE Algerian National Organisation of Victims of Terrorism (ONVT) held the country's first International symposium on terrorism in March 22nd and 23rd this year in its capital city Algiers. Experts and journalists from the Maghreb, Egypt, France, Italy and several African countries attended the two-day event to address topics related to the psychological care of victims, as well as the involvement of civil society in the fight against terrorism and the impact of the Charter for Peace and National Reconciliation in Algeria. A two day meeting was held at El-Aurass Hotel in Algiers city. I was lucky to have been invited to attend this important occasion, and my presence had a gloomy aspect in the meeting for I had to present a paper under the subject, “Terrorism a concern of everyone”

The Algerian President Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika

The meeting which was attended by about 300 participants was organized by ONVT under the patronage of his Excellency the President of the Republic of Algeria Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika. In his special message to the conference participants and showing State ownership - the President affirmed that the civil company must improve and adapt its means of action in the light of the objectives of the international community aiming at the effectiveness of the fight against terrorism. "It is now recognised that unified action by civil societies across the world is more necessary than ever before to contain and eliminate the terrorist threat,"

President Abdelaziz Bouteflika (Right)

Algerian President said in an opening message read to the participants, noting that the international fight against terrorism can succeed if citizens can turn themselves into a force which will exhort the international community to redouble its efforts to have the global convention on terrorism adopted, to reach a consensus on the definition of terrorism and, in the end, to look after the victims of terrorism. However, he added that the fight against this trans-national menace will only be truly effective when it deals with a clearly defined enemy upon whom everyone can concentrate their efforts. He emphasized that terrorist victims have shown by voting, with courage and self-sacrifice, for the national reconciliation charter, to bar the way to blind extremism which turns to terrorist violence, supposedly in the name of Islam.

The National Organization of the Victims of Terrorism was created with a political association in September 1993 and by its currently serving Secretary General Mrs. FLICI Fatma Zohra. This NGO focuses on the assistance and the support for the victims families of terrorism including their psychological, medical, legal and socio economic issues. It shares the grief of the victims and survivors of the Terrorism in Algeria which left a large number of orphans and handicapped people, psychologically scarred nation with a feeling of insecurity that resulted in slow development of the country. Mrs. Flici F. Zohra whose husband died in a terrorist attack in Algeria drew a mix of speakers for the two day conference who included the following with their paper presentations in brackets as follows:- (Old directing of the communication near national Safety) by Aïssa Kasmi, (Psychological Strategies terrorism and use of information and/or misinformation like propaganda), by the Italian journalist Gianni Cipriani. (The civil company and fight against terrorism), by Mr. Benhamou Mohammed, (Media victims of terrorism and of the war) by the Italian war journalist, Giuliana Sgrenna, herself victim of terror in Iraq War, (The promotion of partnerships public an approach of the SOEC to fight against toughening and the driving violent extremism with terrorism by an academic of SOEC) by Mr. Mahdi Knani, an academic,
(Terrorism and women) by Ms. Nacéra Rech, (Victims and media) by Cyrille Kiléba, (Journalistic French of the bloody decade in Algeria: the case of Telling Didier, the eighth dead of Tibhirine) by Mr. Rina Sherman, (Terrorism and psychological traumatisms), by Asma Tougne, (Safety and action citizen vis-a-vis terrorism), by professor Mahmoud Abul Eeinin, (Anti terrorism and civil society common strategy the Kashmir Case), by Ms Saâdia Haq, a freelance journalist in Pakistan, (Algeria national terrorism with international terrorism), by Nardjes Flici and finally (Terrorism, a concern of everyone) by Emmanuel Onyango, a Tanzanian based journalist. Please you can visit the organization’s website then go to programme

A sign board showing details of the meeting at the entrance leading to the conference venue at Aurasi Hotel (Photo by the courtesy of ONVT website)

Down here is my 6 paged paper entitled “Terrorism, a concern of everyone” which was presented to delegates on my absence. Actually it’s not a researched paper, but my views in it were based on the relevance of the subject given. You might want to know why I didn’t attend the meeting physically and leave my views presented by others on my behalf. This is another story despite of the efforts made by the organizers to have me in their meeting which ultimately hit a snag. In a brief narration as concerns with the whole issue is that, communication was a big problem between Algerian Embassy offices in my country with their foreign ministry who delayed to send a confirmation report to the Ambassador accredited in my country about the meeting scheduled to take place on that day. It’s the Ambassador who had enquired for the truth of the meeting from their country when I sent a letter of invitation to him asking for VISA, thereafter he followed his office procedures as per their official work schedules. It took twelve days to work on this an aspect which later on delayed my VISA to be out on time, though I had already had the flight tickets with me sent by the organizers. I do not know should I call it a bureaucracy or what? Upon hearing of this, the organizers were so excited but I asked them to distribute my paper to prospective participants of the meeting which of course they did and here it is.





This paper attempts to enhance the understanding and knowledge of global terrorism acts and its effects in societies. This habit is indeed a concern of everyone in a society and the world at large. The world is actually crying over the acts of terrorism as they are increasingly expanding now and then. It’s indeed a real fact that effects of terrorism undermines mankind development. There is no country in the world whereby acts of terrorism does not exist, and these have impacted negatively on people’s economies and their way of life. Terrorism causes threats and fear among the people in regions where it’s commonly practiced, and because of this, the global society has indeed every reason to frown upon it.
This paper breaks into four main sub-headings starting with the introduction which describes the meaning of terrorism in different perspectives, why people practices terrorism and the impact of the terrorist attacks in societies as well as the devastating effects caused on their national economies. The paper has also focused acts of Terrorism in Africa with specific examples in Sub-Saharan Africa region as a case study. How in some other countries in Africa have been affected and are still suffering the brunt of terrorism acts on their land. What actions does our governments take in order to avert the situation. The paper also highlights a typical example of what takes place in mostly affected regions by terrorists in the world like in Pakistan, India, Iraq, Afghanistan and around the middle East countries, whereby human deaths are daily counted as a result of terrorist attacks. It’s my sincere hope that, participants in this special forum would learn a lot from the main themes scheduled to be addressed in the workshops.


THE World has indeed every reason to look for various ways over the fight against terrorism which has become a growing concern in everyday life. Terrorism is an act of violence which involves sporadic killings, or indiscriminate killing of the people for that matter which is being practiced by few notorious groups of people with intent to undermine developments. Ironically people who practices such mischief (Or terrorists) normally are angered by one party, and after having realized of no any helpful solutions to their grievances decides to form a revolt in retaliation which is expressed by way of terrorism. We all know what is “Terrorism”, this can be described in many different forms and has different perspectives, and the most common and dangerous way known by people is through bomb attacks or by use of explosive materials. This is the worst form of terrorism that is targeted mostly in large gatherings. Terrorists may use many other tactics to achieve their ambitions such as, kidnapping, ambushes of police and military personnel and hijackings of airplanes and as an extreme step, blasting of prominent buildings. Ambushes and hijackings are other forms of terrorism acts which has become a major concern to solving people’s grievances and unsolved claims.

Delegates observing a one silence minute in honour of the people who perished in various terrorist attacks in the world.(Photo by ONVT website)

Terrorism is described in various forms as both a tactic and strategy; a crime and there are some people who regard it as a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an inexcusable abomination. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view is being represented. In most cases terrorism has often been an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict. Terrorism is a criminal act that influences an audience beyond the immediate victim. The strategy of terrorists is to commit acts of violence that draws the attention of the local populace, the government, and the world to their cause. Terrorists normally plans their attack to obtain the greatest publicity, choosing targets that symbolize what they oppose. I think we are all aware of what happened in USA seven years ago when terrorists successfully accomplished their planned mission after hijacking three planes and two of which crashed into the twin tower buildings, the World Trade Centre that claimed the lives of thousands of innocent people that morning of the 11th September 2001. As terrorism ultimately involves violence with the aim of creating fear not only to the victims but among a wide audience, it is fear which distinguishes terrorism from both conventional and guerrilla warfare. While both conventional military forces may engage in psychological warfare and guerrilla forces may engage in acts of terror and other forms of propaganda, they both aim at military victory. Terrorism on the other hand aims to achieve political or other goals, when direct military victory is not possible. This has resulted in some social scientists referring to guerrilla warfare as the "weapon of the weak" and terrorism as the "weapon of the weakest." Nobody actually knows exactly why this terrible act of violence happens. We know that some people used the most extreme form of violence to kill innocent civilians but we don't know their reasons for this act of terrorism. There can be no sane reason for doing this. But the question we have to ask ourselves is that" What does our government do to keep us safe from this kind of violence?"


Terrorism has also become an increasing reality in Africa. The continent continues to provide fertile ground for terrorist organisations through vast, porous borders and political instability. All of these have provided terrorist organisations with ample opportunity to inflict grave human and commercial destruction in African continent. Many parts of the African continent remain engulfed in violence and instability a result of which has led to the severe disruption of the normal functioning of political, social, commercial and economic activities. In addition, the human displacement of millions has been brutal as has been the destruction of large parts of many key cities and pivotal infrastructure. It’s indeed a true fact that, Africa is engulfed with political violence and these have exacerbated terrorism acts. Look at the various indiscriminate killings taking place in war torn regions. Unlike what takes place in the Middle-East, Africa’s issue is now becoming more worse. There have been unresolved political issues which have caused political violence in some of the African countries, these are as a result of undemocratic rule and poor governance whereby the majority are denied their rights. Women, children and old people are the most sufferers.

Secretary General of ONVT Mrs Flici .F. Zahra during the meeting sessions which had been preceded by opening speeches(Photo by ONVT website)

Such crises have wrecked havoc the economies and there has been formed marginalized groups in rural communities who continues to suffer and partly depends on humanitarian assistances to survive. These crisis have for long been going on despite peaceful resolutions and agreements signed between the governments and the rebel groups. The political crisis have led to numerous civil wars that later forms ethnic clashes among the people and ultimately causes bloodshed to most innocent people in Sub-Sahara Africa region. There has been horrific happenings such as the atrocities being committed at the expense of the few leaders who wants to stay in power by force. Ethnic clashes and mass killings have remained the order of the day, a result of which many people have been left destitute and displaced, as well as homeless. The national economies of the affected countries are deteriorating for lack of investors in mostly affected regions. The African continent presents a text-book example of the devastating effects both conflict and terrorism can exert if not resolved in a timely and decisive manner. The continent continues to face a myriad of socio-economic and political malaise that has ravaged the continent for many decades. An example in Africa, it is important when talking about terrorism as there is no uniform global threat to their national economies. So in terms of risk management, it needs to reflect local issues, or local terrorism issues. The problem that we are facing today is that local terrorism issues have local agendas. Africa and other developing nations depends on foreign investments to drive their national economies. And so, when talking about terrorism, you need to talk about the local terrorist issues that the region is faced with such as political violence and ethnic clashes and other forms of violent crimes which are increasingly becoming more prevalent in some parts of the region and they can pose the largest threats by creating the largest instability in the region, and causing a withdrawal of foreign investments. Many African countries are continuously burdened with the dismal prospects of abject poverty, marginalisation, HIV & AIDS, social unrest, drought, economic collapse and the absence of legitimate governments and poor governance. To compound an already dire situation, much of the continent from North, to East, South to West has witnessed violent conflict, war, insurrection and military coups that have caused bloodshed and the loss of millions of innocent lives.

Delegates following up proceedings at the meeting(Photo by ONVT website)

From Darfur to the DRC, Uganda to Ethiopia, Kenya to Somalia. Both tribal and political conflicts have taken its toll like what recently happened in Kenya whereby over 1,500 people have been reported dead and about 400,000 civilians have been left homeless since the country was plunged into the political violence in a post-election that took place last December. There are so many atrocities being committed in these regions and people are killed without mercy, the majority of the populace lives in fear and there is no harmony. The national economies in these regions are deteriorating because of lack of economic power, there have been a number of refugees living in camps and who relies on humanitarian assistances for their livelihood. The continued existence of the political indifferences in these regions is a drawback of their country’s initiatives to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The African continent has also provided fertile ground for the growing threat of religious extremism and the presence of international terrorist organisations, notably the threat posed by Al-Queda group that is said to have various operations on the ground in many of Africa’s conflict hotspots. The brutal attacks against the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania ten years ago represented but an opening salvo of the terrorist threat that Africa could face in the future. Two massive bombs popularly known as ‘twin bombings’ exploded killing 224 people including 12 Americans and injuring about 500 people. The bombings took place simultaneously despite of the distance of these two cities, It was a very fanny happening that stunned everybody around. No one can imagine how tactical are terrorists. Responsibility was quickly traced to the most well-known Al-Queda group. Three years later, the Al-Queda operation struck again, killing 15 people in an Israeli-owned hotel near Mombasa, Kenya, and simultaneously firing missiles at an Israeli passenger jet taking off from Mombasa's International airport. The Mombasa attacks are proof that there is still Al-Queda infrastructure in East Africa built on linkages in which terrorists thrive. The lingering presence of terrorism in the region also attests to the radicalizing effects of deep-rooted problems there. The greater Horn of African region that includes Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya, with the exception of Tanzania, other countries have become home of interlocking conflicts, weak and failing states. Even before the 11th Sept terrorist attacks there was a recognition that poverty in one part of the globe creates scope for regional conflict and international crime. "It is futile, if not foolhardy to think there is no link between poverty and terrorism,"


I think we should analyze and find out the root cause of terrorism, why and when it started. was it there from the beginning ? Unless we know the cause we can not get a cure for it. We must analyze the root cause into every terrorist movement and tackle them psychologically. Many people and their governments in this world, have tried by all means to look at ways and means on how they can stop terrorism and live peacefully and happily, but the sad thing with the human race is that they would never organize themselves neither peacefully nor happily. People have always to find something to fight about no matter how stupid it is. Clearly the society need to look at the underlying causes and wherever possible take precautions , as most currently applied techniques on how to fight terrorism isn't working. Perhaps be looking more at international justice and economic parity, for a start so that we may be living peacefully and happily. How many foreign terrorism have you seen and how many do you think are killed in domestic crimes? I think the society cannot do anything about the present terrorists. But I feel that the future generation can be saved from the clutches of the terrorists by educating everyone. Education is the most important tool, dedication and strong leadership of the country is another approach to safety. If the country’s leadership is effective and firm on issues, then its people might be free from such a mischief and might be able to control terrorism acts with ease. Like many, I am equally upset by the ongoing terrorist attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and elsewhere. I am also upset by the way Israel is doing on Palestinians. My heart breaks with every report of the hundreds of nameless people who die from various terrorist attacks in these countries. For me, then the question, “How to Stop Terrorism” is easy. We stop terrorism first of all by stopping our own terrorism! We cannot fight terrorism by becoming terrorists. We cannot end terrorism by using the methods of terrorism to bomb and kill people, such as the innocent Iraqis and Palestinians who continues to perish everyday. The US government must take an appropriate action of bringing back their own military troops from Iraq. ‘They MUST also stop invading other countries on pretext of the possession of nuclear and biological weapons, as a way to seek for the truth about the matter whereas on the other way round, there is nonexistent of such things in countries they target”.

This is how the atmosphere looked like at the podium(Photo by ONVT website)

Well, terrorism itself can't be defeated, it is a tactic that needs the assistance of large armies in order for it to be effectively banished. It will be never ending if the society would not learn the main tactics used by terrorists when attacking people. It is therefore imperative to get hold of the terrorists’ networks and support the war on terror. Terrorism will continue as long as good people continue to follow religions that allow killing under any conditions. Do you think you and your country aren't terrorizing someone out there in the name of god. I could go on and on about this but people thinks they are right and everyone else (with a different belief) is wrong. Whatever you do is OK as long as your religion sanctifies it. Few suggestions may be like declaring illegal such organizations and their members as fugitives in the eyes of law of the land and international law. There should be a financial squeeze on the terrorist groups assets. Actually they should never be allowed to stabilize and should be kept on the run. Confiscation of their assets and other properties is also one solution. When caught by the law, there should be summary trials and final judgments should be delivered with punishment not less than death penalty and let this be done in full public view so as to deter other susceptible persons to turn over to these acts. Above all, strong measures are required to be taken to listen to demands of the dissatisfied segments of the society patiently, resolve their demands within the legal and constitutional framework of the country to see that these groups are not left out of the mainstream of the nation.

A cross section of delegates who attended te meeting in their session(Photo by the courtesy of ONVT website)

A continuous dialogue process is required to be initiated at the highest level of the government where concerned organizations and prominent personalities may be involved. Because to nip the global menace in the bud, preventive and precautionary measures are more important than subsequent oppressive and restrictive measures and use of force leading to escalation of violence and loss of peace and tranquility. I believe that we still have a chance to live peacefully and happily in this world. However solving this issue, it should start from every individual, yet must be a global movement. It should start by respecting other people. Respecting each religion, belief, lifestyle, and personality. People must start thinking about the good of everyone and not good only for him/herself. This is a tough challenge but if we aim for it, I know we could do it. We can be alert to be not a part of that and guide our children also to keep away from that.


The terrorist attacks in the United States seven years ago has put the war on terror firmly on the international agenda. International terrorism is currently one of the international community’s most urgent challenges. All Terrorism acts are perpetrated for political goals. Unlike letter writing or protesting, that is used by activists when they believe no other means will effect the kind of change they desire. The change is desired so badly that failure is seen as a worse outcome than the deaths of civilians. This is often where the interrelationship between terrorism and religion occurs. When a political struggle is integrated into the framework of a religious or "cosmic struggle, such as over the control of an ancestral homeland or holy site such as Israel and Jerusalem, failing in the political goal (nationalism) becomes equated with spiritual failure, which, for the highly committed, is worse than their own death or the deaths of innocent civilians. Norway strongly believes that a broad range of measures must be used in the fight against terrorism, including political, diplomatic, and financial measures. The use of military force, as in Afghanistan against Al Qaida and the Taliban, should be a last resort. The fight against terrorism must at all times be focused, appropriate, and carried out within the bounds of international law. It must not be used as an excuse to set aside human rights. The terrorist threat looms over all people and all societies, and all countries have an obligation to support the fight against terrorism in accordance with UN decisions. This was underlined in the 2005 UN World Summit Outcome Document, in which the member states condemned all terrorism, irrespective of its form or purpose, and declared that terrorism is one of the most serious threats to international peace and security today. It is important that the UN leads global anti-terrorism efforts.

Journalists with their video shooting cameramen at work recording the proceedings of the meeting(Photo by ONVT website)

Sponsored terrorist groups have already had played havoc with invaluable human lives and property in India for quite some time now. From the Punjab to the far eastern state and from Kashmir to deep inside southern India every corner every crowded place be it a place of worship, a market or a railway station, the terrorists have had made their presence felt in every corner. They have advanced to even the most protected areas like the parliament house. India has suffered and is still suffering and perhaps will continue to suffer, god knows for how long. Now it is Pakistan’s turn. The country is now a day in constant threat from Al-Queda group and other militant outfits. They have also been able to attack the army outposts and V.I.P’s areas. We can also witness miserable terrorist attacks by outfits in other places within the country According to the government sources, Ms. Benazir Bhutto former country’s Prime Minister had been gunned down by one of these terrorist outfits. Besides this, large area in different parts of the country are virtually under the control of Al-Queda and other terrorist groups. Situation in Pakistan is so serious that terrorist leaders have dared to threaten the army. It is a matter of great concern for both Pakistan as well as the rest of the world. The world cannot ignore the fact that Pakistan is a nuclear-armed country. One should think about the consequences if Al-Queda, Taliban or any other extremist or religious fanatic group gets access to Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, what do you think is likely to happen? Will it not be the end of the world?


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